Share options (bar Save As You Earn which is limited to £250 per month and a very different system)
First £30k worth of options granted are Income Tax Approved. So therefore you get the option without paying income tax and if say the option is over 10000 shares at £3 a share, and the price at time of sale is £4, it is fairly easy to explain. You make £40000 of extra bunce. You pay CGT on the difference between £30k and £40k (so basically £2500 tax for £40000 profit.
After that you just have to sell enough shares immediately on exercise to cover the IT liability when running the options, so the simple thing to do is gross up the size of the option as much as you can to try and cover that off.
Long Term Incentive Plans
These run in a pretty similar fashion but are even more of a wheeze in that you grant a right over a set number of free shares at a point in the future. So I give a right to executive X to have 10000 shares in widget co in three years time (it has to be a minimum of three years to be tax efficient). So three years pass, and Exec X exercises on day one, with widget co shares sitting at £5 a piece on that day. At exercise the tax liability (which is usually calculated on the share price at the DATE OF GRANT not the DATE OF EXERCISE is dealt with without the exec seeing the pain so it feels like free bunce, especially if you gross up the size of the grant to cover off plenty of the tax liability. Exec X gets the say, £50k he is expecting, tax is deducted at source. He feels no pain. There is no great rule that shares have to be held (except at the very top levels). This also applies to deferred share bonus plans. You crystallize the tax liability on date of grant of a bonus. If the share price goes up in the three years until exercise then the execs benefit to the tune of that amount of uplift without taxation. Plus the company benefits by shackling its talent to golden handcuffs as if you leave you lose usually around 40 per cent of your annual bonus for a three year period.
I could go on, but I fear I would bore you all to death!