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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him

Just your daily reminder that those were the kind of people who exclusively got to choose who should be Prime Minister. Not just this time, but the time before as well.

Such a ridiculous system. Let them pick their own crappy leader by all means but you shouldn't get to enforce them on the country unilaterally.
And voted on Brexit too.
I can't believe that despite being corrected on the issue at least twice in the past week, that it is incorrect as a statement to make, and having been corrected in writing and been asked to issue a correction, truss CONFUCKINGTINUES to pass on the lie that no household will pay in excess of £2500 for their fuel bill.
And moreso, that none of the journalists have pulled her up on it in the interviews, even after she has been admonished for making this claim.
She doesn't actually say it in fairness. She says it and tacks on "typical" or "typically" somewhere in the sentence.

It's clunky as all hell, it's pre-prepared and it shows (if you watch the Sky/C4 interviews, she opens up with the same statement, word for word), plenty will pay more than £2,500, often she's saying it in response to a question that has nothing to do with that, but she isn't being actually misleading.

That's enough being fair to her for one day.
Just back to the previous point about BoJo II: The Return Of The Cunt...

Labour fieldwork in co-operation with polling companies (not made public, you'll have to trust me on this one) still has Starmer winning a majority of nearly 150 if he comes back. He outperforms Truss by about 40 seats. Which is irrelevant.

It's a complete non-starter. How are you going to get dozens upon dozens upon dozens of MPs who voted against him to completely row back inside weeks, who the fuck wants to serve in Cabinet under him - ALL the leadership candidates from a couple of months ago said they wouldn't put him in their own Cabinet - what kind of plan does he have (none, bar "I can go back to Chequers, yay"), look at the state of the messaging if that happened, the civil service despises him, he is very likely to be found guilty of lying to Parliament so we'll have a suspended PM for a while subject to a recall petition in a seat the Tories are very likely to lose (let alone that's the biggest breach of the Ministerial Code imaginable), as I've said it's evident that he is electoral poison for the wider public.

It just won't happen.
Cruella removing your right to protest going anti transgender and starting the war on woke. She wants a war, she can have one.
Cleverley speech starts off with a Boris greatest hits readout
Braverman is a horrible cunt
Complete liar as well.

Goes on about how she had to fight off "lefty woke warrior human rights lawyers" when she started out, she was at a firm that dealt with pub licensing and the like. Nothing wrong with that but it isn't what you're saying.

Claims to have written or had a strong hand in writing various legal textbooks. Transpires she basically did photocopying occasionally, confirmed by the people who actually wrote them.

She was never ever ever qualified to be Attorney General. Not even Bruno Lage levels, more Dave Hockaday.

In fact I think Pad is better qualified than her with respect to professional experience, and he hasn't practiced law for nearly 20 years (correct me if I'm wrong mate).
To be able to use legislation in that way, the legislation needs to pass parliament. I’m not convinced it will as the majority is getting warlike.
All the reports from the Conservative conference are just so depressing. Seriously, fuck these people. I am so tired of all the nastiness, greed and corruption and all the stupid, stupid ideas they have.

All the mini groups they belong to can also get in the sea, it’s like they think they are still at school forming little clubs left, right and centre. Fuck all the dodgy think tanks too.

The next election cannot come soon enough. I hope they get absolutely annihilated.
Truss asked multiple times whether she trusts her chancellor. Each time she ducks the question.
They’re floating the idea of pushing the retirement age back again.
That’s glorious!

Seems tomorrows keynote speech will tell us that the “short term disruption” will be worth it when we all reach the sunlit uplands eventually where all will have the same percentage slice of a much bigger pie.

The reality is she is hoping to kick the can down the road a bit before trying all this shit again when the heat dies down.
You’re just part of the anti growth coalition Paddy. Part of the same mob who take taxis from their north London townhouses to the bbc studios dismissing anyone willing to challenge the status quo.