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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him

This'll have to do as the interim Tory thread until they get around to appointing some other clown.

What a CUNT Braverman is.

Cunt in full on Trump/fascist mode there...."virus" FFS. If she's going down that route I note she's firmly a part of the "braune Pest"
The headbangers are starting a very strange narrative that they lost last week because they weren't Tory enough. Erm, I have some news for you.

They've won 2 majorities in the last 8 general elections going back more than 25 years (natural party of Government my eye), under Cameron and Johnson who would in some respects (by Tory standards) be seen as quite liberal. Shitty right wing fighting in the dirt under Hague, Howard, May and Sunak didn't give them an outright win (in fact gave them three thumping losses and a needless loss of a majority they already had) and IDS didn't even make it as far as an election.

Still, you carry on, not my problem any more.
Private Eye;

Dozens of local councillors became MPs for the first time on 4 July and there is no legal impediment to an MP continuing as a councillor, but it is generally not seen as possible to do both jobs properly at the same time.

This posed no problem for the former Tory MP for Mansfield, Ben Bradley, who managed to combine the roles of MP and county council leader until 4 July, when he lost his seat and £91,346 salary.

Happily he can still rely on the annual £55,233 he gets for being leader of Nottinghamshire county council. Over the last three years he has claimed a total of almost £440,000 from the public purse for being in two places at once.

PLUS news from the Rotten Boroughs of East Thanet, Central Bedfordshire, Croydon, Shropshire, Southampton, East Sussex, Birmingham and south Devon in the new Eye.
That dickhead Stuart Anderson somehow won in South Shropshire on 34% of the vote. Lack of tactical voting meant the Lib Dems missed out by 1,600 votes or so.

Anyone on here who lives there, I can tell you he is as pointless and vacuous an MP as it's possible to get. He does absolutely nothing other than whinge and play the victim if constituents dare question or criticise him.
That's my constituency and I didn't vote for him. Conservatives virtually always get in there
That's my constituency and I didn't vote for him. Conservatives virtually always get in there
The thin skinned thick bastard blocked Mrs DW on Twitter! For nothing as well. There's only one person in this house who argues with people...

He's also a fake Wolves fan.
That's my constituency and I didn't vote for him. Conservatives virtually always get in there
The good folks in North Shropshire leading the way in getting rid of what was thought to be permanent Tory virus....should pop up and ask us questions on how to do it.

Not saying, its me but before I arrived in this County, it was blue and changed at the first election after my arrival....
The good folks in North Shropshire leading the way in getting rid of what was thought to be permanent Tory virus....should pop up and ask us questions on how to do it.

Not saying, its me but before I arrived in this County, it was blue and changed at the first election after my arrival....
We tried tactical voting but didn't get close enough
Tugendhat being the sensible, moderate candidate is off the agenda. Already going for the batshit support wibbling on about ECHR, what a woman is etc. Just plays into Farage's hands as he does all that stuff better.
Jenrick's pitch to be leader seems to be based on get out of ECHR, bring back Rwanda, fuck off net migration.

Hope he wins as they will never be elected again with that sort of shit. It seems the Conservatives simply cannot grasp the concept that elections are won in the centre and not at the extremes.
They are more bothered about seeing off Farage than Starmer at the moment. It kind of makes sense electorally in as much as in the main they don't need the Labour vote from the last election to win, they need the Reform one back. It's the wrong strategy though, nobody is going to do what Farage does as well as he does. I despise the prick, but he's very skilled at what he does, knowing the language to use which acts as the dogwhistle without every being explicit. His video yesterday could very easily be seen as incitement, but he'd deny it because he's not explicitly calling for riots, just warning of the possibility of them.

All that said Jenrick will win the vote of the geriatric membership, but for me Farage is more likely to be leader of some sort of alliance at the next election than Jenrick is of winning it.