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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him

Thats weird, could have sworn that one of the many many reasons for leaving the EU was that we could stop spending money on those pesky foreigners and ‘look after our own’ instead.

I’m sure this latest headline will attract plenty of sympathy from the gammon brigade.
Interesting that Sunak seems to think binning off all environmental legislation is a good way to get elected.
Sunak definitely thinks so and Starmer is clearly nervous about the backlash against ulez, JSO etc etc.

It’s in Sunak’s interests to paint it all as a lefty thing and Starmer knows he is going to lose an awful lot of Tory votes that he’s currently pulled across if he can’t stop that happening.

It’s the perfect smokescreen for the Tories and they’ll want to keep it as the main topic of conversation and Khan/Ulez JSO etc are playing right into his hands.

Sad that the environmental issues will be compromised by the chase for votes but it’s probably naive to think it would be any other way.
It's utterly bizarre to trash all the green policies. Fairly sure prior to the clean air act there were narrow minded people saying "there's no other way to keep warm " etc. Quite why people want to keep breathing poisonous air is confusing. That's without considering the long term health costs that come with treating the health issues that arise.
In the 50's we were able to find alternative heat sources. Do people really think there is no alternative to their car?
That's the argument I had with my folks yesterday. The solution isn't limiting the numbers of cars per household, it's quality investment in public transport infrastructure.
Sadly we're currently spunking a colossal waste on a white elephant that even the government watchdog feels is unachievable.
The white elephant that you mention is vital for local train services and for rail freight. Removing the faster trains from the current infrastructure allows additional capacity/speed for local public transport.
HS2 is on a hiding to nothing, railway infrastructure in this country is virtually antique and it needs considerable investment but with us being sat on a relatively densely packed little lump of land it's difficult and expensive to do so. It is the proper way to do things but it's going to cost a fortune to achieve it.
He really is going anti-green. Hundreds of North Sea drilling licences to be granted.
Tetchy Rishi, if you heard his BBC Scotland interview. He was quizzed on his green credentials as he tends to take helicopters or private jets everywhere and accused the interviewer of trying to ban foreign holidays.
Looks like Sunak is going shit or bust on this one.

I’m fearful it’s Brexit all over again. All the sensible arguments only point one way but if the appetite isn’t there everyone is pissing in the wind.

Mustn’t let the next election become another single issue campaign but no doubt there will be more outrage, more sneering, more protests, more polarisation, and more deflection from reality all over again.
Tetchy Rishi, if you heard his BBC Scotland interview. He was quizzed on his green credentials as he tends to take helicopters or private jets everywhere and accused the interviewer of trying to ban foreign holidays.

His green credentials only matter to those interested who are likely to vote against him anyway. He just wants to tap into those believing the Greens/Angela Rayner/Alison Rose/Rachel Reeves/any loony lefty is coming to get you (and who frankly don’t give a shit if he used a helicopter or walked on foot in biodegradable sandals).

Honestly fearful we’re going Brexit MK11 on this and it’s doing my head in.
He literally has zero convictions. Worse than Cameron.
agree with this, however imv this is a symptom of populism. say what they want to hear.
he, like cameron does have 1 conviction, making money for the self.