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KJ Recount: Has KJ Lost all support

Kenny Jackett IN or OUT (closes 18/12)

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However - whilst I'm not in the 'out' camp

Sorry mate, could you please explain why? The 'safe pair of hands', 'as good as we can hope for in this situation' line of argument doesn't really apply when he's serving up home form that will have us relegated if it doesn't change relatively soon. We shouldn't go down (we shouldn't be 17th let alone going down) but I guarantee you if we finish up on four home wins or similar we will.
That's fine - I accept that some people think Jackett achieved a minor miracle getting that Wolves side promoted. The players he had at his disposal and the money available to him was a real handicap. I think his achievements that season have been over inflated. He had a significant advantage over every other manager in that league and capitalised on it.

This. I think the defensive frailties we experienced this season (and last) were only covered up in League One by poor strikers, when teams gave us a thorough going over they scored, Brentford and Swindon were unfortunate at home, Rotherham stuck 7 past us over 2 games and I think it was Colchester nearly overhauled a 3-0 lead then looking at last season there was Millwall and Reading and to a lesser extent Leeds where leads were capitulated.
Sorry mate, could you please explain why? The 'safe pair of hands', 'as good as we can hope for in this situation' line of argument doesn't really apply when he's serving up home form that will have us relegated if it doesn't change relatively soon. We shouldn't go down (we shouldn't be 17th let alone going down) but I guarantee you if we finish up on four home wins or similar we will.

I think what's going on behind the scenes is having more of an effect on the pitch than I previously thought it would. I think we'll pick up enough points to not have to look over our shoulders - and I for one would like to see him given another chance to rebuild the squad for next season with a bit of stability higher up the club. I saw plenty last season to give me enough encouragement that when things do click, we look like a good side who play good football. Some of the best I've seen from a Wolves side.

Don't think for one moment that I believe he's doing a good job right now, because we should be performing way better. We've not been 'unlucky' to get the meagre points total we're sat on either - we've not been good enough, the season has turned into a damp squib. I just happen to think that he will be able to turn things around given the opportunity - and no, I don't think that anything will happen this season.

I don't know who is to blame for the recruitment policy at the club but the fact that none of our summer signings are 1st team regulars (with the possible exception of ALF - and I don't think we utilise him correctly anyway - granted that IS a KJ failing) is extremely poor. How much of a difference could it have made if just 2 of them had a regular spot nailed down? As it is, it's last season's side minus two of our most potent threats. Is this poor recruitment Jackett's fault, or Thelwell's/Moxey's? This needs reviewing because we're wasting what little money we have for transfers.

And I also believe that there aren't many other available managers out there who would be able to get us where we thought we'd be, particularly with all the uncertainty behind the scenes. I don't think we're at the 'oh shit - quickly, change things now before things go disastrously wrong' stage like we were at the end of the tenures of McCarthy, Solbakken and Saunders (of which I agreed with sacking all 3 of them).

A lot needs to change - recruitment, stability off the pitch - my current stance is that I'd like to see that change and see how KJ fares with it. I just want to give him another shot at it. Others don't, that's fair enough. I just think he's a hell of a lot better than this and I want to see him get the chance to prove it.

Is my patience infinite? Of course not. I do get worried when I see the players bottling it, and I do get angry when the defence looks genuinely scared of the ball as they did last night. And even though the players are far from blameless, it IS KJ's job to change it.

Other worries? We've no idea how long the ownership issue will take to resolve, and the more matches we play when the belief gets sucked out of the team the more concerned I get. Stick or twist and at the moment - I'm still on the side of sticking. Maybe I'll change my mind over the coming games if things continue like this. I can certainly see, understand and appreciate the arguments for the other side. No question about that.

Basically, it's not unwavering support. We all have our limits - I just haven't reached mine yet.
Fair enough. For me alarm bells have been ringing all season with unacceptable performances (QPR final 55 minutes, Cardiff away, first 70 minutes vs Charlton, being the only team Bolton have beaten all season, sneaking a last minute draw vs 9 man Preston - all of those in the first six weeks of the season) and Bristol City was the final straw with that result and those tactical changes and subs. Amateur hour. That to me was the sign of a man who's lost the plot comprehensively and nothing has changed since to alter that viewpoint. Just entrenched it.

Re: recruitment. Byrne has shown enough to suggest that parking him on the bench is a mistake, and I don't understand why Wallace isn't being given a chance at all. Again I would pin that on the manager. He keeps picking Henry and Edwards despite them contributing very little of value or indeed in Edwards' case of late, literally nothing at all. I voiced my concern about Coady when we signed him, I didn't see him as appreciably better than Price and it seemed folly to me to spend that money on quite a limited player in an area where we were already well stocked.

When the manager keeps making the same mistakes I'm afraid there can be no faith in him turning it around. Not logically anyway.
I don't think we'll go down based on the fact that the current bottom 5 are so bad but it's not out the question. We've been on a bad run since August and are showing no signs of bucking the trend.
Looking at our fixtures the most optimistic points I can see us getting is about 62 points.
There's never been a better time to get rid of Kenny than the present, results are way below what is expected and Garry Monk is available. I think we should go all in to try get him.
There's never been a better time to get rid of Kenny than the present, results are way below what is expected and Garry Monk is available. I think we should go all in to try get him.

I agree completely.

This morning has been the first time I have looked at the bottom six places in the Championship league table and thought will we drop into them rather than look at the top six and think can we break into that section.
I wouldn't be getting too giddy about the prospect of Monk.

He had a very good season last time round but he's followed it up with an absolute shocker, jury still very much out for me.
I wouldn't be getting too giddy about the prospect of Monk.

He had a very good season last time round but he's followed it up with an absolute shocker, jury still very much out for me.

I'm in this camp, although I think his board fucked him over in not replacing Bony. As seems to be the trend these days with British managers the longer or more direct option is coming to the fore more often, especially when managers just run flat out of ideas and Monk and Jackett have both done that.
Monk doesn't do it for me either for the reasons Mark has pointed out, to be fair most available managers don't either.
All managers I'd want down here are at clubs currently.
Wolverhampton Wanderers are worth so much more than this. We need new life from top to bottom. This apathy is doing my tree in. FFS. That old gold is our club, our history and our kids future. These mercanaries are playing with us and our club.
Wolverhampton Wanderers and our proud history belongs to us, not them.
We must not let these people make us not care. FFS, we are Wolverhampton Wanderers.
Monk doesn't do it for me either for the reasons Mark has pointed out, to be fair most available managers don't either.
All managers I'd want down here are at clubs currently.

To be a bit more positive; is this not the time to give a relatively unknown manager, maybe cutting his teeth or very highly regarded, the chance to make their mark. I'm thinking an Alex Neil/ Eddie Howe type. They both had to start somewhere.

Note: For the avoidance of doubt I am not suggesting those two managers but young coaches/ managers in that sort of mould.
To be a bit more positive; is this not the time to give a relatively unknown manager, maybe cutting his teeth or very highly regarded, the chance to make their mark. I'm thinking an Alex Neil/ Eddie Howe type. They both had to start somewhere.

Note: For the avoidance of doubt I am not suggesting those two managers but young coaches/ managers in that sort of mould.

I'd have said Jackie McNamara a year ago, not so much now...
I'm in this camp, although I think his board fucked him over in not replacing Bony. As seems to be the trend these days with British managers the longer or more direct option is coming to the fore more often, especially when managers just run flat out of ideas and Monk and Jackett have both done that.

I think he got a bit of an easy ride early on to be honest, Monk that is.

The whole club has been on the crest of a wave for a few years, they've barely put a foot wrong in fairness to them over that period, managers and players both seem to have been replaced pretty much seamlessly as they've been stolen by other clubs or come to the end of the useful lives. I think that made it much easier for Monk, he wasn't having to come in and dig anyone out of the shit like you often get when a new manager comes in, he just needed to keep things going and he had a big advantage of coming from within the club, already knew all the players and the ethos around the place.

Not to take away what he achieved their last season, still very impressive for a novice to go in and lead them to their best finish but he had a lot going for him to help with that task, since then things seem to have been unraveling, their work in the transfer market wasn't quite as sharp as it has been, not sure if that's directly on Monk but he said he was happy with his squad sans Britton and Dyer when the season started, then they've slowly lost their footballing identity as the season as gone on too.

I'd have my doubts that he could come in and re-invent/re-invigorate Wolves given that he didn't have such a task at Swansea and then failed to sustain what was already in place.
Its possible that Alex Neil could come under huge pressure in the new year with Norwich reaching for the panic button. Would he be an option for Wolves?
If we're thinking British - and until you get into the top half of the Premier League, British seems to be the way to go more often than not - then I don't think there's a better option out there than Warburton, but no chance he'd leave Rangers so soon.

If we were higher up the table then you could maybe make the case for Moyes (he's got to be looking for a job where he can get some stability and repair his reputation, and a Championship team with decent finances and infrastructure and a chance of promotion might be more tempting than a relegation battle in the PL), but that's just me being overly optimistic I guess.
I think he should go but realistically there is no realistic replacements available in our current situation who will be a step up.

I did sympathize for Kenny earlier in the season but all the mistakes, lackluster performances and ability to not see out games is just not bad luck luck any more it's poor management.