Shouldn't it be; 'What's'?
I don't think extremism of any sort has ever been very beneficial, for very many, for very long. So basically I'm against it.
What's your view on halal slaughter? Do you think it should be banned in the UK? Should it be made illegal in the UK? and anyone found practising it be liable to imprisonment?
Halal slaughter should be banned in the UK. It is completely and utterly cruel. I ask in restaurants if their meat is halal and if it is I will not eat it. . That goes for Kosher too by the way. Whilst I respect religious freedoms I do not need my meat to be blessed
More than 250,000 cows, sheep, and goats who are slaughtered while they are still conscious must endure prolonged torment. Animals killed halal (according to Islamic law) cannot be stunned before their throats are cut, which means that many animals fight and gasp for their last breath, struggling to stand while the blood drains from their necks.This can take significant time
Islamic teachings encourage kindness and compassion toward all creatures, which is why many Muslims make the humane decision to go vegan.
You will also find ( and a good dietician will confirm this) that its the combination of the food groups you need to get right. The golden rule is to have as little processed meat as you can so sausages/ bacon / burgers should be sparingly eaten. However If you have a lot of meat you should reduce the carbs. So having 2 burgers without the buns is better for you . Also Venison as a meat is less than 4% fat so makes a great beef alternative. I avoid porridge, white bread, pasta, low fat spreads and sugary treats.
Low fat spreads contain fats that the body has no idea what to do with so its stores them! Even though they are low fat they are contradicting your natural body digestion systems. So stick to butter.
I love steak,Beef rib, bacon, Venison Burgers, Salmon, chipolata sausages(free range pork) free range eggs, free range chicken ( lidl and Aldi sell it ridiculously cheap). Since I learned about the combinations in my diet I have lost 17lbs and my Cholesterol has gone from 5.1 to 3.9 in 12 months. No, eating meat is not in itself the problem