Example - Stephen Sizer - kicked out of the C of E because he claimed Jews were behind 9/11. Its a classic antisemitic conspiracy theory that should see him exile from polite society, and certainly should make him an anathema to any committed lifelong antiracist.
But no. Corbyn later wrote that he was victimised because he 'dared to speak out against Zionism'. JC fabricated an entirely different offence in order to excuse Sizers antisemitism.
Why do that?
What about Roger Waters -
https://www.theguardian.com/music/2...d-of-repeated-antisemitism-in-new-documentary - these actions should be roundly condemned. Did the saintly Jeremy do so? Of course he didnt. In fact he and his wife were happy to have dinner with Waters.

Theres more. What about the multiple times he appeared on Press TV, the state broadcaster of a nation that supplies weapons to antisemitic terrorist organisations. The broadcaster that regularly hosts holocaust deniers.
Talking of Iran, he is also friends with Medea Benjamin, who has attended the New Horizon conference in Tehran, famous for its platforming of Holocaust denial.
All of this adds up to a perception that JC is, at best, comfortable in the company of antisemites. And at worst, shares their views - because theres no evidence of him ever challenging them.