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Yeah, a Jew being anti-semetic???
He has been accused of it.

He has been accused of it.

Indeed, this was a different speech IIRC, but it was indeed and rightfully so that it's language was unacceptable.
Yeah, a Jew being anti-semetic???
I'd understood orthodox jews are anti-zionist and consider the creation of the state of Israel as a sin. obv I imagine most actual anti-semites are against zionism but its just propaganda and politics to lump all critique of the State of Israel as anti-semitic.
Just popped up on my X feed that a website has been created showing the hamas atrocities. No idea if it's genuine or not but for many reasons I'm not going anywhere near it.
No shortage of material for them to show, unfortunately.
I know this thread isn't welcoming to non-binary thoughts, but framing this as a white v brown war is inaccurate and is pretty ignorant of the complex ethnic makeup of Israel
I didn't say or infer anything about the ethnic makeup of Israel. I said that the narrative that 'most of the 20,000 people that have been killed ware terrorists' won't be challenged because of the ethnic makeup of Palestinians
Based on what? The inference is that 'The West' is broadly supporting Israel, so it's pretty clear what the angle is, when you bring race into it.

I'm not talking specifically about you here, but the far left take on Israel/Palestine has always been The Christian West (mainly America) /oppressors/white vs the Arab world/oppressed/brown 🤷‍♂️ and everything gets filtered through that simple prism, and it's not always helpful, in fact it's often pretty inflammatory
You don't think that "20,000 dead, most of them terrorists" tells it's own story?
Guess we'll have to disagree on this one.

To me it tells the story of the cuntishness of many senior Israeli officials, just as Hamas are cuntish for using a hospital to launch military operations?

Not sure I'd be rushing to make it a race war as well as WWIII ffs 😅
I think race has got to come into it in terms of the support that Israel are getting diplomatically/politically/militarily though. If this was Israel occupying Greece and killing 20,000 people in Kalamata as revenge for a terrorist attack, we'd be seeing a very different news narrative
I think race has got to come into it in terms of the support that Israel are getting diplomatically/politically/militarily though. If this was Israel occupying Greece and killing 20,000 people in Kalamata as revenge for a terrorist attack, we'd be seeing a very different news narrative
Religion rather than race imo
I mean, for all it's many faults, Israel is still a modern democracy with freedom of worship and where you don't get killed by the state for being gay. Can't say the same for Iran, who are obviously the Hamas puppeteer here.

That's the main reason why Israel is getting (reluctant or advised in most quarters) support from 'The West'. It's a joint stance vs terrorism clearly.

Not saying that's right or wrong, or that most Western countries aren't twitchy about the recklessness with which Israel is going about it, but that's clearly what it is.
I'm not sure you can say that's "clearly" what it is with such authority?

Israel are an Ally to the West and have been since their inception, I'm not sure that the UK and US are twitchy about their methods either, they are in full support and see the idea of a ceasefire as a bad thing.

Edit: you've softened your wording, fair enough.