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PK and you live in a different planet, honestly.

This is a Wolves message board that dips its toe in politics, the mental gymnastics that you both think I'm performing on a daily basis is just incredible.

From what i gather you think that I've frantically searched out something off twitter about Israel to change the subject about an MP who i dont care about, and I'd never heard of 2 hours ago as if I'm some kind of TWF spin doctor?

Or what actually happened - i saw that video come up on my feed before I'd even looked on TWF this morning, and thought it was worthy of being posted in this thread as its not something I'd seen before.

Like PK demanding i condemn Hamas, you are demanding I give an opinion on the MP!? The self importance is off the scale.

You are an odd 'un at times, you are repeatedly abusive to me, claim I'm a narcissist, claim your living in my head, yet you have this weird EP narrative constantly whirring away over analysing post after post.

I'm sure you know what Occam's Razor is, perhaps reacquaint yourself with the principle.

I've deliberately avoiding posting on here in days, but I'll respond just to nip your continuing lying narrative in the bud.

I never 'demanded' you condemned Hamas, I actually just posted about a one-sided celebrity letter without comment and then you waded in, waffling on about Ian Huntley (!?).

The talk of 'condemning' started with you and the self-importance was all yours, my friend, just like when Johnny was talking about TP and you thought it was all about you
FFS, can some of you PLEASE just use the ignore function? You're never going to agree, you're never going to be civil, you're constantly making sections of the forum unreadable for others.

Just ignore each other, for goodness sake.
So, a video about Israeli vets joyously describing themselves raping and murdering ends up with you two throwing your weight around.
FFS, can some of you PLEASE just use the ignore function? You're never going to agree, you're never going to be civil, you're constantly making sections of the forum unreadable for others.

Just ignore each other, for goodness sake.

Hang on...I haven't posted on here since Saturday morning.

If he's name-checking me in a conversation I have no part of, then I have the right to reply.

Can you explain how my post wasn't civil?
I wasn't actually referring to you, PK - it was the brewing argument on the previous page that made me post before I'd read yours.

I'd love it if everyone was able to post in a civil manner but as everyone is well aware, that simply doesn't happen on this thread which has had to be temporarily locked as it just descended into farcical point scoring and bickering.
To achieve? What do you mean Paul?

It's relevant to the whole conflict, the whole conversation isn't it? I don't think I've ever seen people talking about something so horrific with such joy, ever.

The supposed reasons behind posting it has been questioned/discussed far more than the contents of the post! What the fuck is that all about!?
To achieve? What do you mean Paul?

It's relevant to the whole conflict, the whole conversation isn't it? I don't think I've ever seen people talking about something so horrific with such joy, ever.

The supposed reasons behind posting it has been questioned/discussed far more than the contents of the post! What the fuck is that all about!?
You've got your wish, we're not talking about a scumbag Corbyn loving MP who has used provocative and anti-semetic language.

Distraction and deflection, the weapons of the far left cranks and far right fascists
Surely you have deflected away from the contents of my post this morning preferring to continue your ridiculous feud with me instead?

I haven't told people to stop talking about a topic or queried their motives, only you have done that.
You've got your wish, we're not talking about a scumbag Corbyn loving MP who has used provocative and anti-semetic language.

Distraction and deflection, the weapons of the far left cranks and far right fascists
Take some responsibility for that then. Nobody forces you to respond to any particular post and you have the ability to move the discussion in any way you wish…same as the rest of us.
I've just had a quick read and can see why it's contentious. Unfortunately Hamas taking it as a slogan has sullied it's origins as a way of saying Palestinians want to reclaim their freedom to return to their homeland.
Started being used in the 60s, way before Hamas was a thing.
D notices issued by the government banning media on reporting on SAS missions in Gaza, i’d assume they’re there to find British hostages, but guess we’ll never find out.
You’ll all laugh at the source of this but socialist worker printed the request asking them to not report it
D notices issued by the government banning media on reporting on SAS missions in Gaza, i’d assume they’re there to find British hostages, but guess we’ll never find out.
You’ll all laugh at the source of this but socialist worker printed the request asking them to not report it
Sounds a bit like Brian Hanrahan reporting on the falklands “I cannot tell you what the target was, but I can tell you I counted all the planes out and I counted them all back in”

Military operations and secrecy is fairly commonplace.
I couldn’t tell my mrs during gulf war 1 where my posting was due to operational security, she had a fairly good guess being as most of the worlds armed forces were heading that way


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I'd not seen that before.

So much of it would be considered Anti-semitic by today's standards.