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How much does success matter?

Went to Wolves as a student in 76 and 1st game was a 6-2 loss at home to Southampton in old 2nd division. Gradually started going to more home games but only ever 1 or 2 away games. Had previously supported Grimsby Town and Leeds Utd and have seen both at Molineux not knowing who to support. Once I paid to watch us play Grimsby in the away end even though I had a Wolves ST. Had a ST for several years until work meant no evenings or Saturdays were free. Last game was in 2005 before emigrating. Started paying more attention again perhaps subconsciously as a way of keeping in touch with the UK. Watch every game online now, and my wife knows better than to have different ideas. Will always be a fan, but watching games online is only possible while we are in the PL. If I lived back in the UK then I might want a ST again, (especially when I retire), but that is irrelevant since I will probably stay in Texas until I die.
I've been a Wolves fan since 1957, when i was was taken by my baggies mad family to see them play Wolves and came away a diehard Wolf.
For me, whilst i accept there are plastics, being a Wolves supporter is in the blood, always has been and always will be.

I've been a Wolves fan since 1953. The floodlit games against Honved, Spartak etc got me hooked. My family were also Baggies' supporters but I switched in 1953. I left Wolverhampton in 1965 but have followed them ever since. I watch every PL game now on live streaming, previously I flew over sporadically to see them play in the PL one season under Dave Jones and then again under Mick McCarthy for three seasons but it became too expensive and now I'm too old. That's too bad because this is the best I've seen Wolves play since 1953. What pleases me most is the style of play they have and were I back in the UK, I'd be at Molineux every matchday. Today's game with Liverpool was fantastic. The goal scored by Raul was a beauty to behold. I have been and always will be a Wolves fan!
Getting back to the original question, yes success does matter, but it means different things to different people, personally I already see this season as a success if we finish top 8 (top 6 is achievable and would be mind blowing, top 4 is unlikely) and to progress further in EL.
Think its inevitable that we will attract 'plastics' as we become a force at the top end, its the nature of modern life. Is it a bad thing? Probably not, they will come and go but the revenue is important if we're to cement our place at the very top.
Season ticket since 1988. Nearly walked away under Hoddle, thankfully he walked first.
Born in Stafford and my dad used to take me early 70’s. Moved abroad when I was ten and lived fairly nomadically ever since, never less that 2 hours away from Wolverhampton. I guess your “support” is fluid in the way it manifests itself with life’s changes, but as long as you stay loyal to your club and keep it for life that’s good enough for me.

It’s never been practical/possible to have a season ticket but always kept a membership, which generally gave access to two or three ‘homes’ and two or three southern ‘aways’ every year. Needless to say that basic level of membership no longer gives access to tickets (did manage Pyunik (first game since Bristol City in the Champ (3-3))) so am someone that follows the ground redevelopment/capacity debate with great interest. The recent success is a wonderful thing, but from a selfish perspective at least, the sense of isolation and missing out on the party is tough to take too.

So personally, basic membership and little-to-no chance of tickets is realistically the only option for the foreseeable future. The comfort however lies in the likelihood of availability of tickets coming from a capacity increase and creeping apathy of fans, rather than a return to recent miseries in a half-empty stadium.

The wait seems long but that’s the price of success I guess. You can’t have your cake and eat it.
1st game was back in '86. (I think..) Aldershot at home in the old 4th division. Stood on a milk crate up against the barriers crushed with 10k people in the old south bank
From that moment I was hooked. Home and away, rain or shine. Followed and supported ever since.
I too am a Wolves fan and cant manage it to Molineux any more. My first league game (I think ) was when Chris Crowe and Peter McParland played for Wolves for the first time in 1961/2 season although I was lucky enough to attend the 1959/60 cup final but I was a Baggies fan then! I lived many years in Greece so missed 80s and 90s. I got my first season ticket in Nuno's Championship season and I still have it With my worsening health I did (thanks to Wolves help) transfer to the family enclosure but I have been unable to use the ticket so far this season. I live in hope that I will still be able to use it before season end.
Massive coincidence - that was my first game too! My dad said we could go anywhere for my birthday, assumed it would be Alton towers or similar, but had to be Molineux!

Must have been a good game, although I can't remember much!
I too am a Wolves fan and cant manage it to Molineux any more. My first league game (I think ) was when Chris Crowe and Peter McParland played for Wolves for the first time in 1961/2 season although I was lucky enough to attend the 1959/60 cup final but I was a Baggies fan then! I lived many years in Greece so missed 80s and 90s. I got my first season ticket in Nuno's Championship season and I still have it With my worsening health I did (thanks to Wolves help) transfer to the family enclosure but I have been unable to use the ticket so far this season. I live in hope that I will still be able to use it before season end.

I saw that you was logged on the other day Vic and was about to ask you to give us a run down on the form of Podence in Greece! A good job that I didn't!

I hope that your health improves enough to get back to Molineux
Never lived in the area for any length of time - my only association with the area is 3 mths in late 1959/early 1960 when I was farmed out to live with an aunt who lived in Birmingham for some reason (no idea why now & anyone who could tell me aren't here any more) - as a spinster aunt she had no idea what to do with a 9 yr old boy though her neighbour offered to take me to football & fortunately he was a Wolves fan who had moved to Birmingham for work.

No real recollection of the games I went to, but that's when the love affair started. Went to a lot of games in the 1970 - 76 period then got married/had kids & no money & living south of London wasn't going to get away with working 5 long days then suggesting that I was also dissapearing all of Saturday. As a result I missed all of the real downturn (though also virtually all of the comeback with the Bull).

Started back in 2012 as I had removed all other encumbrances so was there for the second relegation & league 1.

How much does sucess matter? - it's better when we are at the top and challenging & it is always good to win trophies, which I am fortunate enough to have seen us do, but the football experience is about more than that. During my dead period I did watch other teams which were nearer & feasible to get to without killing half of the weekend, which I wasn't going to get away with - realistically the result never mattered that much.

Your team is your team for life & I am a Wolf!!
Dad was an only child, and a villa fan, and son of a villa fan too, so I didn't get it from them. Brother is a glory hunting liverpool fan as a child of the 80's as deutsch described earlier in the thread.

first game was in the john ireland just after it had been built. Half the ground was closed. My brother had won tickets at school, and my grandad took us. I was already a fan though. Always had the radio on for commentary, or goal alerts.

For many years I was never really in a position to go to many games. I simply couldn't afford it for many years. It's been a dream since childhood to have a season ticket, even if just for one season. I'd say up to being 30, there was never a chance of affording it.

There would have been an outside chance for a couple of years, however dads long term illness started having side effects, and essentially resulted in him being in a coma for several weeks. I'll never forget the consultant telling us he didn't know how come dad was still alive. He pulled through, but had to give up work. Ain't all bad, as I genuinely believe that him stopping work at just over 50 probably prolonged his life, and has allowed him a retirement and time with mum he possibly never would have had. For that, and the fact he's still here (he never expected to reach 70 following initial diagnosis) I am forever grateful.

However with him no longer earning, and mum having more minor health issues, again I couldn't afford it.

Which was the case for years, and was fine. I still loved the club and obsessively followed results, radio, brief highlights, whatever I could get. Games on sky I'd watch with friends, as we never had sky.

Years ago, a fellow bowler, who was a STH with his son gave me a couple of opportunities to attend. It was amazing! The season after, I got 2 or 3 other chances to go, including survival sunday! Wow!

Then, more recently, but still a few years ago, I decided to be a cheeky fucker. darlo offered a ticket on here. After a couple of days, and no obvious reply, I pm-d him and he said it was available. I arranged to meet up, and a fucking strange journey began!

Darlo, aiki and sam between them began letting me sub in for whichever of them could't attend. Gracious and wonderful human beings that they are, they never asked for re-imbursement, though I'd always have happily given this, and I always bought at least a round. They'd frequently spoil that by buying me drinks back!

As a result of this bare faced cheek, I became a familiar face to other attendees. Some have offered me their tickets for games they can't attend. I have, as a result, had the joy not only of attending games (from before league one, to today) owing basically to the kindness and generosity of some amazing people that I am also now overjoyed to be able to call friends.

I've always tried to at the least buy people a drink, and with the way prices have gone for people now, it is only fair and reasonable to ensure anyone who loans me their ticket is reimbursed. I am totally happy to give anyone the value back, because for them to trust me with their ST is huge for me. If I recall, when darlo spoke with me about how much for the loan per game, it was almost like he was apologetic about it. But it is completely right and fair! Plus, I've managed to do a lot of work on supporting my arents financial situation, as well as my own over the past 5 years which has finally got me to the stage where I could, for the first time in my life, afford a season ticket. So I am on the waiting list.

So through sheer cheek, and some amazing folks, I've seen amazing football matches live, in 3 divisions. In reality, if I didn't know these people I'd probably by now have only attended 3 or 4 games in my life. It's actually 30-40. To be honest, the debt I owe some of these people is fucking massive, and to be sure, I will never forget their kindness to me.

So I'm on the waiting list. I'm a member. However I've got so used to subbing in, that I am always unlikely to ever have the points to acquire tickets later in the season.

But for me, that's fine. I remind myself of the joy I've had seeing the few games I do get to. I reflect on how fortunate I have been to make friends with, laugh with, and enjoy the company of some really good human beings. I have had some fantastic afternoons, and evenings. I was unforgivably late to a curry (and then didn't eat curry!) but I have been bloody fortunate. So if I then can't get a ticket for a game, like a cup semi final, or vs the champions elect, or whatever, no biggie, because my focus would be on the sheer luck I've had to be able to see my team live.

One additional issue, relating to some issues on the other thread. My wife is also amazing, and flexible, allowing me to attend. I know from friends who I bowl with how lucky I am with my wife, and how she doesn't restrict me in an excessive way. I hear so many friends who tell me they can';t do x, y or z and whilst I empathise, I also wonder about the relationship. My wife appreciates I love the opportunity to go to the football, and if some calls me at 5 saying "there's a ticket going tonight" she'll encourage me to go. She trusts me to be a decent human being and be respectful to her, and I do, by acknowledging that she's been so respectful to me, and I make time for her back. e have a great relationship. But we work at it. If she had a bloody good reason to say no, she'd explain this, and I'd understand. So some of the comments about life getting in the way is either about relationships, or about priorities, or about compromises people don't want to make. This isn't aimed at anyone in particular. We don't have kids, though we do have stepkids, but they're grown up, so it isn't an issue. But even so, I'm sure if we did, we'd find compromises so I could attend games.
Dad’s side of the family all from Wolverhampton and first game was 1993 at home to Watford. Never any question of whether I would support Wolves or Pompey, it’s just whoever you get introduced to first and that’s it isn’t it. Completely irrelevant what division we’re in as basically everyone else has said, generally have gone to every southern away game over the last 25 years alongside 2/3 homes a season. Of course aways are out now and so we’re trying to make more effort to come up to home games. Not entirely sure about some folk saying no access to tickets even with membership as have managed to get to some of the Europa games and Watford as well this season.

Think the only time I passed up going to a game I normally would was Reading away at the end of the last Jackett season, my spirit had been broken by too many 0-0s. Pretty certain that game ended goalless as well anyway! The last 2 and a half years have been like a dream and I keep expecting to wake up.
I’m at a jazz night, and the pianist is gutted that he is missing a Cobblers game - brought home to me that there are those who will go when things are thin, and others only when things are thick so success matters if we are looking for a bigger audience - you only have to look at the sparse attendances at the likes of Coventry and Sunderland to see what happens when things go wrong.
I'm a massive glory hunter / plastic and I'm happy to freely admit that.

I've had a ST on and off since the mid 90s but only got my current one at the start of our promotion season as I figured we'd be getting promoted. I go there first and foremost to be entertained, rather than support, although I do end up shouting a lot. I don't really do away matches, I don't really do cup matches and I've only done one Europa match. The Europa matches I've missed because I've been working either that night or very early the next morning, but I could have got the time off if I'd have wanted to.

I do, however, go even though I have better things to do with my weekend (sometimes).
I'm a massive glory hunter / plastic and I'm happy to freely admit that.

I've had a ST on and off since the mid 90s but only got my current one at the start of our promotion season as I figured we'd be getting promoted. I go there first and foremost to be entertained, rather than support, although I do end up shouting a lot. I don't really do away matches, I don't really do cup matches and I've only done one Europa match. The Europa matches I've missed because I've been working either that night or very early the next morning, but I could have got the time off if I'd have wanted to.

I do, however, go even though I have better things to do with my weekend (sometimes).

For the first 45 minutes anyway.
My Dad told me I had to support my local club in 1965 and as a Stourbridge lad, Wolverhampton looked to be that club. Went to my first game (Liverpool) in the early 70s with some Wolves supporting big boys and got hooked on being bounced around the North Bank whenever something good was going to happen. Regularish attender after that until leaving the area in 90s and occasional attender at home and away games thereafter. Not sure success is important (though it is nice) as I loved the Bully years and we were shit for most of those.
I'm really enjoying the current team and it's management. We've come such a long way in a short period of time and I firmly believe that Nuno will become the Stan Cullis of his day.
Loving this thread by the way!
Match days are much more than just the game itself but the game is definitely moree enjoyable if there is something resting on the result. I've been going since the mid 70s and on the whole we have been challenging for promotion/play-offs or fighting relegation far more often than not, which has meant mid-table mediocrity has been fairly rare. So long as the result matters it has generally been good and I have enjoyed most seasons, but the football under Hoddle was woeful and Kenny Jackett's last season wasn't far behind.

The present team is utterly fantastic and I'm enjoying attending as much as ever. I'm not sure what qualifies as successful - for the time being competing with the best definitely is, trophies would just be a nice bonus.
Hated football until I was 10 when Gary Lineker got me hooked during Mexico 86. Demanded to go and see the team Lineker played for. My dad told me there was a local team we could watch but warned me that they 'weren't very good'. Unfortunately my dad got cancer soon after and died without taking me to a game but my mates dad stepped in and my first game was 1-0 win over Scunthorpe. Had a season ticket from 89ish to 2004 when moving to London and having 2 kids caused my attendance to fall off a cliff. Kids don't like football and now it's hard to get tickets so I have to content myself with being an armchair fan now.

I love this team but my dad supported wolves and I started following them at almost their lowest point. It runs a lot deeper than success.
For the first 45 minutes anyway.

That kinda proves the point. We wee getting dicked at home to Chelsea and my dog was unwell so I fucked off at half time!

Stayed until 92nd minute last night though!