Even the Burrda shirts were better than the Puma ones. The 2010 shirt is fantastic.
2010/11: Decent but the Saturday Night Fever collar lets it down
2011/12: Abysmal quality and weird wavy lines are never going to be a winner
2012/13: Other than the tyre track abomination, worst home shirt we've ever had. So fucking bad
Let's not say things we can't take back.
2012 wasn't really that bad (I like those collars) and mine has held up really well, even after my belly has given it a right beating. There have been miles worse.
This is some joke I don't get, right?
Look at the absolute state of it. It looks horrifically cheap, the stripe effect is dreadful, the collar is horrible and we have the famous blue and red sponsor which is as far away from matching our kit as you could conceive of. And it's too high up for that matter.
1/10, just for not being the 1992/93 shirt.
Le Coq Sportif 2009-10 was a lovely shirt, my favourite of the post millennium shirts I'd say