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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

But, the way they put forward their anti EU argument is aimed straight at immigration and immigrants. There are a whole host of other arguments as to why we should leave the EU, many of those arguments put forward by other antiEU canidates in the recent election that's didn't get anywhere near the same level of coverage. UKIP knew what they were doing by pandering to prejudice.

But straw polls suggest that immigration policy is important to the electorate. Why don't the media concentrate on other issues? Some of the ' UKIP ' propaganda is embarrassing and pathetic. It annoys me that a genuine concern amongst many gets swallowed up and turned into a tool to divide. It seriously needs a viable solution and that solution is not forthcoming. They all need to debate on policy/lack of policy but the assumption that the electorate are somehow duped or protesting is the sort of extreme arrogance that actually fuels the fire. The politicians need to start listening.

Extreme politics, both left and right, prey on economic troubles to further their cause and both are as insidious as each other.

Why are those far left and far right extreme? This country has waged war without a true mandate, we see an erosion of our civil liberties and many will protest that we ( like the States ) are on the way to a police state. You get the so called captains of industry, bankers, royalty, and politicians meeting behind closed doors and the minutes of these meetings are never disclosed. What is more extreme than that?

At the time Labour "got it wrong" the prevailing economic argument was that free movement of labour was a requirement for economic growth and at the time it worked (in an economic sense). It wasn't free movement of labour within the EU that was the cause if the global financial crisis and free movement of labour had very little to do with the downturn in this country or the subsequent sluggish recovery. UKIP and their ilk have done a good job of blaming immigrants for everything but the reality is it is the people who are bankrolling UKIP who are to blame.

Mass immigration of cheap unskilled subsidised labour for the service industry is not beneficial at all.
But straw polls suggest that immigration policy is important to the electorate. Why don't the media concentrate on other issues? Some of the ' UKIP ' propaganda is embarrassing and pathetic. It annoys me that a genuine concern amongst many gets swallowed up and turned into a tool to divide. It seriously needs a viable solution and that solution is not forthcoming. They all need to debate on policy/lack of policy but the assumption that the electorate are somehow duped or protesting is the sort of extreme arrogance that actually fuels the fire. The politicians need to start listening.

It's an opinion. UKIP tapped into a particular issue and played it for all it's worth - if me believing that makes me "extremely arrogant" then so be it.

Why are those far left and far right extreme? This country has waged war without a true mandate, we see an erosion of our civil liberties and many will protest that we ( like the States ) are on the way to a police state. You get the so called captains of industry, bankers, royalty, and politicians meeting behind closed doors and the minutes of these meetings are never disclosed. What is more extreme than that?

It is a turn of ohrase oft used by many people, there is far left and far right and shades in between. Although I might agree with all it some of the rest of your response it is irrelevant to the point I made.

Mass immigration of cheap unskilled subsidised labour for the service industry is not beneficial at all.

Did I say it was?

Where are Ukip getting the finance to bankroll them? I think with some serious funding, a new 'proper' manifesto, some defections from other parties and some backing in the media they can get a third of the vote in a GE. I also think it will be to the detriment of both labour and the tories
As Mr Barton pointed out last night UKIP got about 9% of the vote last week. Given that UKIP is totally focused on the EU and has gained support through being seen as an alternative its unlikely IMV that many of their voters stayed at home. This may be as good as it gets for UKIP. In the 2009 euro elections they got 17% of the vote only to get 3% in the following general election. Most UKIP voters are lapsed Conservatives and I can see a lot of people bottling it come 2015 at the thought of letting Milliband in.
On the fucking BBC again!! Forget scrapping BBC3 they can just rename it the UKIP channel and give it to Farage.
Nigel has finally come up with a non-EU based policy, and its a corker:


Yes, what Britain needs is for rich people to pay less tax. Excellent.

He mentioned on Sunday Politics that he wanted to take all of those on the minimum wage out of income tax entirely. The Labour party who don't like innovation, wealth generation and job creation want to encourage capital flight by increasing the additional rate back to 50% and bringing back the 10p tax rate they abolished under Comrade Brown. Labour's extra 5 to 10p in the £1 would be wasted on an increased budget for the EU, with the rest thrown at worthless layabouts in the form of benefit increases and at the destruction of the traditional family unit by funding single mums in the form of childcare for little Lambrini and Chardonnay. The working class who Labour claim to represent would be better off under UKIP if that does turn up in Farage's manifesto.

There's no evidence that increasing the rate of income tax to 50% has a positive effect on the overall income tax take when factors like capital flight and legal tax avoidance are taken into account.
The Labour party who don't like innovation, wealth generation and job creation want to encourage capital flight by increasing the additional rate back to 50% and bringing back the 10p tax rate they abolished under Comrade Brown. Labour's extra 5 to 10p in the £1 would be wasted on an increased budget for the EU, with the rest thrown at worthless layabouts in the form of benefit increases and at the destruction of the traditional family unit by funding single mums in the form of childcare for little Lambrini and Chardonnay.

You are Richard Littlejohn and I claim my five pounds.
Why not?

I agree with him about trying to get the low earning brought out of income tax don't you?

Absolutely. I just wonder how he's going to cut taxes for the poor, and taxes for the rich at the same time. That suggests that taxes will need to rise elsewhere, or we'll have more cuts.....

Personally, Im not sure giving someone who earns a million quid a year a £42,500 pound tax cut is the best use of our money. Its not like they're about to go hungry, is it?
It simple, we leave the EU, cut the red tape and stop the Romanians coming in and nicking all of our benefits and the money saved will mean tax cuts for all.

Easy innit?
It simple, we leave the EU, cut the red tape and stop the Romanians coming in and nicking all of our benefits and the money saved will mean tax cuts for all.

Easy innit?

I suspect that is exactly what they're planning.
Speaking on the BBC Today programme at the outset of the European elections, Farage said he would be happy to have his office accounts audited by an independent accountant "if it would settle the argument".

Days later he refused to do so saying he would not be singled out as the only one of 73 MEPs to have his accounts independently audited. In fact all UK MEPs other than those from Ukip have had their accounts audited.

Says it all....

We all know that they are no different when it comes to feathering their own nests, just like everyone else in Politics.

I just hope that they have served their purpose in some way, with the support of the Electorate, in terms of putting pressure on our Government and future Government(s), so that we at least try and improve the terms of our membership of the EU. Coming out of the EU may be a step too far, but we can't allow Brussels to dictate British Law and tell us what we can and can't do in a United States Of Europe ?