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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

As most of the papers are saying - it puts an end to the 'most UKIP voters are lapsed Tories' argument.
I noticed in the local elections Princes End in Sandwell, an area I pass through at least twice a week went from Labour to Ukip.
A great deal of the electorate in that area are on benefits and now the West Midlands as a whole as gone Ukip in the Euro's, it just doesn't make sense unless most of it is born out of bigotry.
Talk about turkeys voting for christmas, you couldn't make it up.
As most of the papers are saying - it puts an end to the 'most UKIP voters are lapsed Tories' argument.

Although the turn out was low, to get 29% of the vote is extraordinary. Yet no doubt both Tory and Labour spokesmen will say that their supporters stayed at home.
As most of the papers are saying - it puts an end to the 'most UKIP voters are lapsed Tories' argument.

Lord Ashcroft disagrees. According to his data 50% of UKIP voters are usually Conservative voters and 20% are Lib Dems. About 15% would usually vote Labour. That said, UKIP won't get anything like as many votes in the GE as its got in the last few days. In 2010 the Lib Dems were on 30% after the leaders debates on the eve of the election only to drop to 23% as people either bottled it or decided it was a wasted vote.
Lord Ashcroft's private polls are pointing to a Labour victory at the General Election.
You would think the dissatisfied Labour supporters would have got their anti immigration paddy out of the way by then.
So all those rabid anti Europe, anti gay, anti immigrant, anti women, Tories who fled to Ukip will see their worst nightmare realised.
Congratulations of course to newly elected MEP and Wolves fan from Sedgley Bill Etheridge.
Was it 33%?

Thats a lot of stay at home voters is that. Anyone know how that compares (% wise) to the other countries voting in the Europeans?

According to the BBC turnout across Europe averages just below 44%. This is buoyed by the likes of Italy with a turnout of approximately 60% as well as the newer and more enthusiastic member states with smaller Eurosceptic groups.
What a fantastic night for UKIP. I didn't vote for them in the Council Elections but I did in the Euro Elections. What I find incredible is that it's the first time in over 100 years, that any Election in the UK has not been won by either Labour or Tory. If that doesn't send out a signal to them both then I don't know what does. That is one heck of a 'protest' vote :)

I usually debate 'The UKIP Question' on other websites, including The Daily Mail and The Guardian, mainly to get some 'balance'.

When you consider how many people voted for UKIP in the Euro Election, the percentage of UKIP supporters on this forum appears to be disprportionately low. Perhaps many people who have voted for them prefer to keep their political feelings to themselves. Or perhaps most people come on here to discuss Wolves and dont want to mix the two ? Very wise.

Anyone on the 'Left' or even 'Centre Left' will be very disappointed and angry this morning. Some will naturally be keen to dismiss UKIP, but surely what Labour needs to do is to address the concerns of voters up and down the country who are concerned about our position in Europe and the European Laws that we are Governed by, instead of sending out people like Diane Abbott every weekend to tell us that 'the UKIP bubble has burst'. Even Chukka Umma of Labour has now said that 'UKIP results are ushering in Four Party politics', so it seems that some are finally starting to take UKIP seriously.

Comments like those from Diane Abbott means that some of them are still holding the electorate in contempt, which is exactly what we have come to expect from our 'out of touch' MP's.

I think that if Labour continue along the lines of dismissing UKIP then they do so at their peril.

Looking at the increased vote of the Right and even the Far Right in Europe generally, I wonder what the faceless bureaucrats in Brussels will do now ? How about 'Absolutely Nothing' ? :)
Personally, I take the 'Old Labour' view that the E C is a cozy club for businessmen and a capitalist cartel. I have never been pro-Europe but I am a Socialist. I reckon if Ed thought the same, and managed to put this across to the electorate, we (The Labour Party) would win by a landslide in the General Election, next year.
I don't really see why a centre left party should change their policies because approx 8% of the electorate proved themselves to be ignorant xenophobes by voting for a nut ball right wing party.

If any labour voters changed from labour to UKIP (and I'm sure there were quite a few), they could only have been voting for labour out of pure stupidity, the policies of the two are completely incompatible.
Personally, I take the 'Old Labour' view that the E C is a cozy club for businessmen and a capitalist cartel. I have never been pro-Europe but I am a Socialist. I reckon if Ed thought the same, and managed to put this across to the electorate, we (The Labour Party) would win by a landslide in the General Election, next year.

Personally I'd never consider voting for Labour under any circumstances as they have absolutely nothing to offer to me in terms of policy but I could see how Labour that be could capitalise on the growing anti-European feeling in this country if they wanted. The problem is, Blair and Brown nailed Labour's colours to the blue and yellow mast after ramming the Treaty of Lisbon through Westminster. Labour snouts are firmly ensconced in the European trough. Take for instance Cathy Ashton; a woman who has never been elected to any position in her life and who was once a well known member of the communist front organisation CND. Under Blair she was given a peerage and under Brown leadership of the House of Lords on the proviso that she would push the Treaty of Lisbon through with minimal opposition. She was rewarded for her "work" by being sent to the European commission and can't be removed from her post through the ballot box.

Labour will win the most seats in the next general election simply because they aren't the Tories. All I can hope for is that they don't get a majority and can be kept out of power through another coalition.
Personally, I take the 'Old Labour' view that the E C is a cozy club for businessmen and a capitalist cartel. I have never been pro-Europe but I am a Socialist. I reckon if Ed thought the same, and managed to put this across to the electorate, we (The Labour Party) would win by a landslide in the General Election, next year.

Yep. For instance austerity measures are now enshrined in EU law. They are now the only permitted response to a recession from now on. The lack of democracy and accountability within the EU is just silly too. I'd like to come out but not for the reasons Farage and Co would.
Personally I'd never consider voting for Labour under any circumstances as they have absolutely nothing to offer to me in terms of policy but I could see how Labour that be could capitalise on the growing anti-European feeling in this country if they wanted. The problem is, Blair and Brown nailed Labour's colours to the blue and yellow mast after ramming the Treaty of Lisbon through Westminster. Labour snouts are firmly ensconced in the European trough. Take for instance Cathy Ashton; a woman who has never been elected to any position in her life and who was once a well known member of the communist front organisation CND. Under Blair she was given a peerage and under Brown leadership of the House of Lords on the proviso that she would push the Treaty of Lisbon through with minimal opposition. She was rewarded for her "work" by being sent to the European commission and can't be removed from her post through the ballot box.

Labour will win the most seats in the next general election simply because they aren't the Tories. All I can hope for is that they don't get a majority and can be kept out of power through another coalition.

Good 'digging', Andy. Cathy Ashton is an anomaly. But, for every Ashton, there are a dozen Tory-sponsored quangos and 'untouchable' oligarchs fronting so-called agencies that are profiting from those who should be served by them. Also, You cannot call CND a 'Communist Front', accurately. That would be like me calling the Institute of Economic Affairs 'fascist'!

Blair was a Tory in a Labour clothing. Of course I voted for him, but I like many others, resent the wasted years in which he could and should have achieved so much more. After the greed, avarice and cruelty of the Thatcher years and the 'tag-on' sleazy, weak 'Tory-rump' of useless Major, the vast majority of a Britain was up for the positive change that Labour promised. OK, we didn't deliver 100%, but we stopped the rot. Had Brown become leader sooner, we would have seen a great many more economic and social injustices overturned and consigned the Tories to the 'blue-rinse' hell that they, themselves created.

UKIP is an anti-political protest vote. It will not endure, as their known policies are shallow and sinister. They are not the friends of the 'working man' and Dave Cameron is 100% correct to point out that Farage is no 'ordinary man from down the pub', but a shrewd political operator. He is a 'one-trick pony' and he and his 'party' had better celebrate like hell, 'cause it ain't going to get any better for them.

For the sake of my country and it's future, I sincerely do hope that we (Labour) win the next election with a really healthy majority, otherwise it's 'goodnight' to everything decent and fair.
Good 'digging', Andy. Cathy Ashton is an anomaly. But, for every Ashton, there are a dozen Tory-sponsored quangos and 'untouchable' oligarchs fronting so-called agencies that are profiting from those who should be served by them. Also, You cannot call CND a 'Communist Front', accurately. That would be like me calling the Institute of Economic Affairs 'fascist'!

Blair was a Tory in a Labour clothing. Of course I voted for him, but I like many others, resent the wasted years in which he could and should have achieved so much more. After the greed, avarice and cruelty of the Thatcher years and the 'tag-on' sleazy, weak 'Tory-rump' of useless Major, the vast majority of a Britain was up for the positive change that Labour promised. OK, we didn't deliver 100%, but we stopped the rot. Had Brown become leader sooner, we would have seen a great many more economic and social injustices overturned and consigned the Tories to the 'blue-rinse' hell that they, themselves created.

UKIP is an anti-political protest vote. It will not endure, as their known policies are shallow and sinister. They are not the friends of the 'working man' and Dave Cameron is 100% correct to point out that Farage is no 'ordinary man from down the pub', but a shrewd political operator. He is a 'one-trick pony' and he and his 'party' had better celebrate like hell, 'cause it ain't going to get any better for them.

For the sake of my country and it's future, I sincerely do hope that we (Labour) win the next election with a really healthy majority, otherwise it's 'goodnight' to everything decent and fair.

Good 'digging', Andy. Cathy Ashton is an anomaly. But, for every Ashton, there are a dozen Tory-sponsored quangos and 'untouchable' oligarchs fronting so-called agencies that are profiting from those who should be served by them. Also, You cannot call CND a 'Communist Front', accurately. That would be like me calling the Institute of Economic Affairs 'fascist'!

Blair was a Tory in a Labour clothing. Of course I voted for him, but I like many others, resent the wasted years in which he could and should have achieved so much more. After the greed, avarice and cruelty of the Thatcher years and the 'tag-on' sleazy, weak 'Tory-rump' of useless Major, the vast majority of a Britain was up for the positive change that Labour promised. OK, we didn't deliver 100%, but we stopped the rot. Had Brown become leader sooner, we would have seen a great many more economic and social injustices overturned and consigned the Tories to the 'blue-rinse' hell that they, themselves created.

UKIP is an anti-political protest vote. It will not endure, as their known policies are shallow and sinister. They are not the friends of the 'working man' and Dave Cameron is 100% correct to point out that Farage is no 'ordinary man from down the pub', but a shrewd political operator. He is a 'one-trick pony' and he and his 'party' had better celebrate like hell, 'cause it ain't going to get any better for them.

For the sake of my country and it's future, I sincerely do hope that we (Labour) win the next election with a really healthy majority, otherwise it's 'goodnight' to everything decent and fair.

Different planet.