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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

Any policies Farage may or may not have are not being put to the test. Messrs Cameron and Miliband must realise that UKIP are anything but a joke. 25% of those who voted did not think he and his party were. They are taking votes away from them both. Confront him head on and see what he has to say.

Isn't it their responsibility to outline their policies if they are a serious political party? I have no idea what UKIP policies for local government are yet there are 9 UKIP councillors in Dudley.
Isn't it their responsibility to outline their policies if they are a serious political party? I have no idea what UKIP policies for local government are yet there are 9 UKIP councillors in Dudley.

You would think they would outline their policies, but they are gaining seats on councils without having to do anything, so they will keep quiet as long as they can, which is why the Tories and Labour need to start addressing the UKIP factor. Turning a blind eye to them is no longer an option. UKIP will not go away, so they need to be challenged head on.
The Tories and Labour can ask him direct questions on domestic policy all they like, it doesn't mean he'll answer. He's been completely transparent in the press for the whole of this campaign that UKIP have absolutely no domestic policy at all at this stage. Anyone who has the ability to read is able to glean that information, it doesn't matter whether it's asked by a Guardian journalist, Jeremy Paxman or David Cameron. And they've still picked up votes. Anyone who has the ability to read can quite easily work out that vast swathes of UKIP rhetoric on the EU and immigration are bare faced lies, at best scaremongering and at worst outright xenophobia. Were their campaign adverts not protected under law they'd have been obliged to withdraw them under the standards of the ASA, because they are lies. And they've still picked up votes.

The demographic that UKIP chase aren't interested in facts. You can prove anything with facts.
You would think they would outline their policies, but they are gaining seats on councils without having to do anything, so they will keep quiet as long as they can, which is why the Tories and Labour need to start addressing the UKIP factor. Turning a blind eye to them is no longer an option. UKIP will not go away, so they need to be challenged head on.

The other parties won't defeat UKIP in debates, the last few weeks have shown that UKIP don't need to say anything in order to gain votes. UKIP are a shallow, superficial bunch of opportunists who, in time, will prove themselves to be what they are. There is only so long they can get away with their one trick pony approach.

What Labour, Tories and Lib Dems need to do is put their own ships in order and give the electorate a real choice. That means the Lib Dems divorcing themselves from the coalition and recreating their own identity again, the Tories and Labour to start reconnecting with their core voters.

What we have seen this past year is the negative consequence of losing the Lib Dems as an electoral choice for many. They had spent years setting themselves up as the natural party of opposition to the other two. That was their role and they were comfortable with it. I don't think UKIP would have got anywhere near their electoral gains had the Lib Dems been out of the coalition. UKIP may have polled highly in the Euros but they have no place in domestic politics, they are irrelevant in that context and that won't change no matter how often they are debated with.

If they were a serious party, we would know their policies. They have one and it is delivered on the coat tails of racism and xenophobia.
Lord Ashcroft polled 4000 people who voted UKIP at Euros on Thursday: Just over 50% voted Tory at the 2010 election. One in seven voted Labour and a fifth were Lib Dems. Just 1 in 5 said they will go back to the Tories at the next General Election 2015.
Local elections tell us naff all about the general election tbh. Labour would lose a lot of councilors under Blair only to come back and trounce Howard, Hague and IDS at the GE.

For all the Guardian $#@!ting themselves over the polls the election is still very much Labours to lose. They're not going to poll as low as they did in 2010 and the Conservatives will not poll as high. Likely worst case scenario for Labour is a hung parliament where they are the largest party. Its highly unlikely the Lib Dems will have any say in who the next government are as they have been on around 9-10% since 2010. Labour would probably try and govern as a minority govt or else go back to the electorate Wilson style.

As for UKIP, people are experiencing a cost of living crisis, poor public services and job insecurity mainly as a result of the neo-liiberal economic agenda broadly followed by every govt since 1979. As these policies only benefit the top 10% a lot of people (rightly) feel ignored by the main parties and have turned to an alternative as a result. Immigration and Europe have always been easy targets and that combined with the fact that Farage gets loads of media coverage and doesn't come across as a posh $#@! have helped boost their vote. Trouble is UKIP believe the answer to our problems are less worker protection, less spending on public services and far lower taxes for the rich. A ban on all immigration won't suddenly solve all of our problems and tbh nobody knows what would happen if we left the EU. It might be wonderful, it might be horrendous but any politician who tells you they know for sure is a liar and an issue as complex as this shouldn't be left to a simple in/out referendum. IMHO.

Spot on, Templeton. I, nor anyone else, could not have put it better!
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Why don't Labour just match the Tory promise of a Referendum if they win the General Election ? Then UKIP would disappear overnight.
I wouldn't have thought so, most UKIP voters are lapsed Tories.
But if we had a Referendum regardless of who wins the GE and we vote to stay in, where would UKIP and the 'lapsed Tories' go then ?
I don't think anyone is seriously going to choose their 2015 vote on the basis of who's promising what regarding Europe. Quite rightly it's miles down voters' concerns. About 16th as I recall, behind a whole raft of relatively inconsequential stuff.

Farage won't be able to fight a GE campaign based on Europe. It's just not important enough.
I don't think anyone is seriously going to choose their 2015 vote on the basis of who's promising what regarding Europe. Quite rightly it's miles down voters' concerns. About 16th as I recall, behind a whole raft of relatively inconsequential stuff.

Farage won't be able to fight a GE campaign based on Europe. It's just not important enough.

I don't believe that many of those that vote UKIP see it as about Europe, they see it as about protecting their way of life, the xenophobic doctrine is what appeals to them not European membership per se. I still expect them to have a share well into double figures next year and Farage as an MP if he picks the right seat in Essex.
Farage won't be able to fight a GE campaign based on Europe. It's just not important enough.

Remember William Hague and his total focus on "Vote Tories or lose the £ to the Euro". That went well for him
I wonder what the left's excuses will be after the inevitable happens tonight? No doubt we'll see a holier-than-thou Lib/Lab/Green goon wearing box frame specs claiming some sort of hollow moral victory if one of the regions returns less UKIP MEPs than the others. The odious Tessa Jowell already said that UKIP didn't or won't do well in London because of the city's "openness, tolerance and diversity" as if these qualities don't exist in other parts of the country. Personally I hope the Libs are trounced and Labour are pushed into a distant second.
I wonder what the left's excuses will be after the inevitable happens tonight? No doubt we'll see a holier-than-thou Lib/Lab/Green goon wearing box frame specs claiming some sort of hollow moral victory if one of the regions returns less UKIP MEPs than the others. The odious Tessa Jowell already said that UKIP didn't or won't do well in London because of the city's "openness, tolerance and diversity" as if these qualities don't exist in other parts of the country. Personally I hope the Libs are trounced and Labour are pushed into a distant second.

Whatever happens it was successful night for Labour in the locals. UKIP are splitting the Tory vote so they should be the ones to worry. I think it leads to Labour winning the next general election outright.
Personally I hope the Libs are trounced and Labour are pushed into a distant second.

First part of that seems to right, the 2nd......well a Labour source (whatever that is) has said UKIP to be 1st, Labour 2nd but getting more votes than expected.
I wonder what the left's excuses will be after the inevitable happens tonight? No doubt we'll see a holier-than-thou Lib/Lab/Green goon wearing box frame specs claiming some sort of hollow moral victory if one of the regions returns less UKIP MEPs than the others. The odious Tessa Jowell already said that UKIP didn't or won't do well in London because of the city's "openness, tolerance and diversity" as if these qualities don't exist in other parts of the country. Personally I hope the Libs are trounced and Labour are pushed into a distant second.

Yes, let's discriminate against the short sighted shall we?
Ukip win east mids. Tories second. Lab third. 2 ukip. 2 Cons. 1 lab. Nice.
It's interesting. Very worrying to see a rise in the far-right vote, overall. Clegg's position is now surely under threat.
Crazy!, the Liberals were decimated, so hundred of thousands of people who last time voted for a 'left wing' party switched their vote to an ultra right wing party.
Which proves the electorate deserve what they get.