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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

David Cameron said he understood the message from the voters, who he said wanted the government to work harder on issues such as welfare and immigration reform. "We will be working flat-out to demonstrate that we do have the answers for hard-working people," he said.

Patronising bastard!
40 years you say? Hope it takes UKIP twice that time so I am well out of here.

Yep,although they've been 'housebroken' for quite some time,as in having representatives in our parliament.
I think many got fed up with the Labour/Socialist/Green/Christian coalition and wanted to try something different.Personally I'm simply fed up with politics and politicians,they're basically falling into the same pit once they get some power.I honestly don't see any difference anymore,it's all just cosmetics and words and broken promises.
So would I. They'd never get elected again. As to your comment on working class conservatives, it's try classless and abhorrent and stinks of hypocrisy when you ply your trade in an autocratic nation. You're better off overseas where you can peddle your simplistic ideology to a variety of oligarchs.

I work here as I cannot afford to live and work in Cameron's Britain. If I remained in Britain, I would certainly be looking at a life of abject poverty, when I retire in five years. I do this for my family's sake and, yes, I do resent it, occasionally. I am treated well, here and I can afford to do the things I could not do, back home. It is thanks to the Labour Government of the 1960s that I received a top-class (free) education and that I have the choices that I now have about where I work. I remain a proud Socialist and an internationalist and I stand by my comments.

Oh, and if I peddled my 'simplistic ideologies' over here, I would end up in prison!
Having a desire to see Britain divorced from the EU is a perfectly valid point of view held by millions of people. It's dangerous to dismiss all of these voters as racists/xenophobes as the mainstream media and "enlightened" left have over the course of the last month or so. UKIP is not the NSDAP (even if some of the ill-informed Twitter revolutionaries think it is) and rather than taking a disgusted of Tunbridge Wells type tone over a UKIP councillor being elected in your area it might be better to look at the hows and whys involved in the situation. There's no point in dismissing UKIP as a flash in the pan because they're here to stay.

To make any further progress in the polls over the next year and beyond, UKIP needs to take a more professional approach in selecting candidates as well as its overall approach to what it does. At the moment UKIP has a sort of political youthful exuberance but it needs to grow into a more mature organisation quickly now that the media spotlight is and will be permanently on it and its members.

I'm looking forward to Sunday's results. Remember that the European Parliament is merely a rubber stamp chamber where no legislation is proposed; only that which is decided in secret in the Commission offices is voted upon. If Nigel Farage had proposed a Sinn Féin-style policy of not taking up the seats by way of a protest I would certainly have voted for him. On the other hand I do enjoy his near-the-knuckle soundbites.
If Nigel Farage had proposed a Sinn Féin-style policy of not taking up the seats by way of a protest

He and his representatives more or less do, check the attendance records. Although I suspect it's more down to preferring to do as little as possible for as much as possible rather than a coherent protest.
If Labour did move towards the centre left which policies would the electorate find not to their liking. What prevents a socialist UK government?
I'm sorry to say this, Especially to Langers, but the fault behind UKIP's little victories is down to you guys!

No not me i'm not there, but you guys who are voting tactically against the Tories, or Labour , or Lib dem or the sticky puidding or free chocolate party etc etc etc..................

What you really mean to vote is "none of the above" but that option is not available.

However what is available , if you, like me, are so totally fucked off and near to wrist slashing, by what i remember from my dad and his dad and his dad and his dad as "Party Politics" is just to go once, take your ballot paper and write the word "ENOUGH" right across it.
If you're really scared , do it on Sunday, (in the micky mouse elections) but for fuck sake, DO IT !!!!!!!!!! and tell this total accumulation of self centred egotistical twats, that they are totally out of touch with the populace and the problems we, as citizens and workers, face in 2014, and that their politics of 1945 are seriously out of shelf life.

It's simple , but it needs a bit more balls than voting for the Greens Langers..........durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I voted Conservative. Seems perfectly viable to me Pav. Plus the Greens haven't done that badly either.
I voted Green as their manifesto and aims seemed most closely aligned to mine. I believed in much of what they had to say so I voted for them. This being an election based on proportional representation, my vote counts, in however minor a way. Pretty much as simple as that.

I fail to see how scrawling across my ballot (in green pen, presumably) would have decreased UKIP's share of the vote.
Labour have now gained control of these councils

Harrow, Crawley, Merton, Redbridge, Cambridge, Croydon, Hammersmith and Fulham, and Amber Valley. Impressive.
Plus we have already had the Euro elections as well Pav - yesterday we had two ballot papers. It just won't be declared until Sunday. In the local election the paper had (I think) six candidates in my ward. The Euro one had something in the high teens or low twenties and the variety of anti-European parties (from the "acceptable" face of UKIP to vile brigades like the BNP) was staggering. Hopefully those choices will split the protest vote next year and Farage will get absolutely nowhere.

Today is, in my opinion, the high-water mark for UKIP. Next year I expect them to perform considerably more poorly in a Westminster election. Hopefully they don't get a single MP.
it worries me that the media are all about 'what tonight's results might mean for the general election - the big one'. it is disappointing that the UK don't think more about who they send to make decisions on our behalf to a legislature that arguably have just as much influence over UK laws and policies as those in Westminster.
you were lucky to have choice! I had tory, labour or liberal in local elections only. For Europe I had a ballot paper made by Andrex and inscribed with virtually every extremist political view point I have ever seen! Still if idiots get elected to Europe its less impact on us here running services. Ho hum.

Brian: Excuse me. Are you the Judean People's Front?
Reg: Fuck off! 'Judean People's Front'. We're the People's Front of Judea! 'Judean People's Front'.
Francis: Wankers.
I voted Green as their manifesto and aims seemed most closely aligned to mine. I believed in much of what they had to say so I voted for them. This being an election based on proportional representation, my vote counts, in however minor a way. Pretty much as simple as that.

I fail to see how scrawling across my ballot (in green pen, presumably) would have decreased UKIP's share of the vote.

why green pen?, none of the above, to me means none!, let's have some new 2014 thinking parties that go back to the neanderthals have neanderthal policies, they jsut can't change, it's not in their make up
Paddy if you belive in the conservative manifesto, go boy go!
me, i think, like here in greece, too many people vote for the party their dad voted for, (oops ok except in the case of Pazok who just fell through the floorboards).

My argument is that none of the above have to changed to meet the needs/wants of the masses in 2014.

So they should all fuck off, start again with a new plan, and come back and deliver it.

right now, no one i hear talking politics has one tiny clue as to what life is like for normal people in 2014.

I don't restrict that view to Greece or Britain, but my pals in germany, Sweden, France, Belgium, Argentina etc etc, who aren't cypro heads, (ha ha), all say the same.

what have the Tories , (who i always voted for back in the day) or Labour or Lib Dems or Greens or, or , Or .........., got for me in this new world, answer, Fuck all!!! but the same old shit, which we who live it everyday know, simply doesn't work anymore.

NEW! NEW! NEW! Ideas, Politics, Plans , Thoughts..... just something for today's life, and fuck all our yesterdays!
If Labour did move towards the centre left which policies would the electorate find not to their liking. What prevents a socialist UK government?

Labour is currently 'left of centre', in the ground formerly occupied by the Liberals of the 1960s to the 1990s. Labour needs to move forward to its natural position of left wing (not anywhere near the centre) if it is to be truly effective and make a real, positive and much-needed change for the better.

A truly fair society is what we need. The crucial services, such as health, education, social services, the railways and security services can only be truly effective when run by the central government. They should not be there for fat cats to make a profit from. I also think that the banks should be nationalised. For an illustration of what a real socialist government would do, just look Attlee's 1945 government.
Only the people prevent a socialist government. The Labour Party thinks that the whole country has moved so far to the right that it has to become a Tory-lite party, just like New a Labour had to do to get elected.
If only people would open their eyes and see how much better the vast majority would be able to enjoy life if we were a true socialist country. It's not about the few who con the many into thinking that socialism is 'bad' - they would say that, wouldn't they? There's plenty to go round. Why should it only be enjoyed by the few?
Greed and selfishness is not a natural human condition, but I fear it has become the prevailing condition in Britain, thanks to Thatcher and her cronies.

However, I still have faith in mankind and I think all this consumerism, greed, envy and selfish individualism will eventually run its course. Education is the key and we need it badly, having lost a whole generation.
Nationalise everything? Good lord.

You are Denis Skinner and I claim my five pounds!

Only kidding. The one thing I would say is that even if we don't agree, at least you are impassioned about your beliefs and your politics. More of that on both sides would go a long way to eliminate the dreadful voter apathy that pervades the British political scene just now.
Nationalise everything? Good lord.

You are Denis Skinner and I claim my five pounds!

Only kidding. The one thing I would say is that even if we don't agree, at least you are impassioned about your beliefs and your politics. More of that on both sides would go a long way to eliminate the dreadful voter apathy that pervades the British political scene just now.

Absolutely, Pad! Apathy is a nasty disease.