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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

We're going to get a new rentier class, purely from people transitioning to own-brand beans.
If the kids go without a meal a day for a couple of months wannabe "rich Dad" might have enough money to buy a small percentage of Apple share. This time next millennium they'll be millionaires :)

Nobody who trades shares for profit, even from home, cares about the dividend apart from using it as a refund for their dealing costs. If you slowly build up through compounding small profits from successful buy/sell deals, you'll improve your situation in no time.

Ah. Now I get you. Poor people should obtain income producing assets so they're not reliant on having a job, and they should obtain the funds to buy these assets by being more thrifty.

Seems like an excellent plan, with no holes in it whatsoever.

We're going to get a new rentier class, purely from people transitioning to own-brand beans.

What's wrong with being thrifty? Why not make the jump to own brand beans if that's all you can afford? You need to be realistic about your finances. If Tesco own brand beans are 30p cheaper than a tin of Heinz beans, that's what you should be buying if you're complaining about struggling for money. Why not get some ingredients and actually cook rather than filling your basket with expensive and fatty ready meals? If you can afford luxury items, by all means buy them. Don't complain about being skint while you're sat next to an ashtray full of fag butts.

Being a rentier is the simplest way to live. Other methods of generating income consume inordinate amounts of time and create unnecessary stress. Obviously most people will start from nothing, but if I could do it, anyone can.
I think you're naive to suggest that those people who are currently living in poverty, and relying on food banks, could amass enough assets to live off the income they generate, just by being more thrifty.
I think you're naive to suggest that those people who are currently living in poverty, and relying on food banks, could amass enough assets to live off the income they generate, just by being more thrifty.

And you're being very naive if you think that using a food bank = relying on one. The people I know who use them (and, yes, I do know them, rather than know of them), do so in order that they have more money available to get drunk and buy knocked-off fags. I've also known several people who were unemployed, and not one of them was chasing a job of any variety. Clearly, a welfare state is in essence a good thing, but only if it is properly administered, which the UK's appears not to be.

EDIT - and, yes, they do all have big wide-screen TVs on the walls!
It's a shame it should descend into this, i take it that most of us on this forum would consider theirselves working class, it's a classic UKIP/Tory ploy to plant seeds that will cause us to tear each other apart.
It's a shame it should descend into this, i take it that most of us on this forum would consider theirselves working class, it's a classic UKIP/Tory ploy to plant seeds that will cause us to tear each other apart.
I am definitely working class but I always thought it was the left wing that were planting the seeds that will tear us apart. Depends which way you look at things I suppose.
And you're being very naive if you think that using a food bank = relying on one. The people I know who use them (and, yes, I do know them, rather than know of them), do so in order that they have more money available to get drunk and buy knocked-off fags. I've also known several people who were unemployed, and not one of them was chasing a job of any variety. Clearly, a welfare state is in essence a good thing, but only if it is properly administered, which the UK's appears not to be.

EDIT - and, yes, they do all have big wide-screen TVs on the walls!

I know people that use food banks and they neither drink nor smoke. They do not have wide screen TV's either.
I believe that the overwhelming majority of people who use food banks are obliged to provide proof that they are not in receipt of benefits, normally due to the DWP sanctioning them for some spurious reason or other.
I know people that use food banks and they neither drink nor smoke. They do not have wide screen TV's either.

Since Visage and I are not Siamese twins, it's no surprise we have different experiences. Thanks for adding yours to the debate.
My father in law runs a food bank and people have to provide all sorts of documentation before they can make use of it although they do provide one offs in emergencies. The biggest help though is that the people who work there know most of the users and so would soon be able to tell if anyone was taking the piss.

Am I alone in finding the fact we are even discussing Food Banks shameful and embarrassing?
Not at all. Its disgusting.

If the welfare state is supposed to be a safety net, why isnt it catching these people?
My father in law runs a food bank and people have to provide all sorts of documentation before they can make use of it although they do provide one offs in emergencies. The biggest help though is that the people who work there know most of the users and so would soon be able to tell if anyone was taking the piss.

Am I alone in finding the fact we are even discussing Food Banks shameful and embarrassing?

Frankly Templeton, no you're not.
we have food banks in Greece but i have never used one and i'm not sure i have the documents to qualify to use one, However with my circumstances here many of my good friends find a decent way to give me things, food of course , but also trainers and jeans and t shirts and stuff.

I don't want most of the stuff, I want work!,and it (I suppose it offends my pride to accept them), but I look at my circumstances, see what they are trying to do for me, and smile and thank them.

I don't want to be in this situation, I hate being in it, but i have to be realistic, there are times that without these friends i would simply have nothing to eat.

So i too think whoever needs a food bank for whatever reasons, should be afforded the decency of being left out of political point scoring. There's a lot wrong with politics, i'm happy to wax lyrical on the subject, but if a person for whatever reasons has nothing to eat, accept that they are in the shit, and leave them to work it out or help them, don't add them to your political repartee.

I have had my times in the past when i didn't care what i spent, I had loads of hard cash,and now am experiencing times where i have no idea where the next euro is coming from.

A fall from grace? i'm a useless member of my current society? maybe, but until you have worn the shoes, don't profess to know what it is realy like to walk the walk.

I could have left here and come home, wherever that really is, but i bust my ass to build this house through some what extreme circumstances over the years, and i won't give it up for anyone,

However, whether it's my fault or not, and wether you think i'm useless or not, don't put me or anyone else into your political argument.
I'm not a point to prove, and neither is anyone else in the same situation, i'm just a person who's plans, through circumstances, (wether within or beyond my control) went tits up, and i don't know about the others but i am trying to deal with it.

Try going home and opening a fridge that is white from wall to wall, and then think again.

That European citizens are in the same position as 3rd world citizens is a travesty of everything, EVERY politician preaches to the masses? Is that a shock? yes, but it is a serious fact of life.

They, we, are people who for whatever reason got things wrong or became a victim of current political circumstances, but what we are not is a political baseball bat with which to beat your oponents.

I work damned hard whenever i can, when there simply is no work, i don't get unemployment, (either the greek version or the european version) and i neither have a pension or parents who do, (which is howe many survive here in my village) so something is seriously wrong from the bottom up, so maybe gentlemen the problems should be looked at from the same bottom up, without actually kicking those at the bottom first, to score a point.

Give them work and if they don't take it and go for the soft option of state benefits, you'll have to get past me to kick them in the gonads, but while we are not able to say, if you want to work , the opportunity is there, then we will never be able to sort out the skiving lazy fuckers from the , what shall i call us, the unfortunate fuckers.

P.S. I work many times in exchange for my cypro, 2 years ago,I reedesigned and decorated a taverna top to bottom, the guy told me after that he couldn't pay, so i drink there for free, and will do for the next 100 years, and the fact that i work 2 weeks every winter making over 2 tonnes of cypro with my 2 best (rather old ) pals, means, as the only one still capable of the seriously heavy work involved (and i'm 61), you should understand that i am never short of a tipple. ha ha ha so call me an alcoholic if it suits your rhetoric, but fuck me boys , i earn the priveledge!
You need the test to get a residence permit too, just having the test cert doesn't mean anything.

So you would prefer if you just applied for the permit without having to show knowledge of the UK or being able to speak the language?
You need the test to get a residence permit too, just having the test cert doesn't mean anything.

So you would prefer if you just applied for the permit without having to show knowledge of the UK or being able to speak the language?

£500.00 for a cert that doesn't mean anything? Fuck me, in that case the residence permit must cost a fortune.

The issuing centre has been in business for five years. must have been one of Labour's last throws of the dice for fucking the country up :icon_wink:

They should have their license revoked for being a threat to national security. (Labour I mean).
Yes it does, iirc £800 for indefinite leave to remain and further grand for British citizenship then further £100 for passport.

They should sack the issuing centre off. But I don't think it's a bad idea to test English skills and knowledge of UK before letting people stay here, no?