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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

If I were in power I'd deny education to the masses too. How dare they learn about things and broaden their horizons.
If I were in power I'd deny education to the masses too. How dare they learn about things and broaden their horizons.

I wouldn't deny education to the masses. Apprenticeships are the finest thing out, every one should do one (funded by companies). Don't see the benefit in educating people in subjects that are of no value to the rest of society, and more's the point brainwashing them with left-wing bolloxology. If people want to study something of interest to them and solely for their own enjoyment then let them pay for it.
People do pay for it?

What's your definition of 'contributing to society' btw? I can't say my own study has necessarily helped society. I suppose I could recite Proust as a street preacher if I wanted to give a bit back.
Companies wouldn't fund apprenticeships solely by themselves, would they. They don't now.

What apprenticeship would you have me doing?
Brainwashing is 'free-thinking'? That's called 'double-think' (I think).

How do Universities brainwash? Have you been to a university, do you have a university education at any level? Can you actively compare the two?
Companies wouldn't fund apprenticeships solely by themselves, would they. They don't now.

What apprenticeship would you have me doing?
You don't require an apprenticeship as you are already trained and talented in languages so I believe. But if I were to take you back to when you were 16 say, you had no doubt showed a talent for languages by then, and assuming you would have been looking for a career in that area, you would have been approved to companies, (who were looking for new recruits with several languages) by your school. One of these companies would have no doubt taken you on and guaranteed to fund your further education for the stipulated length of time. You get a job and training, the company gets an employee trained specifically in the field they are looking for, the university gets funded, and the tax-payer doesn't pick up the tab.
Yeah, but very few companies round here need languages. That applied as much in 1999 when I did my A Levels as it does now. Plus I wouldn't have been in any way personally developed at that point to enter a work environment and perform effectively. And by denying me going to university, I'd not only be denied the opportunity to live in Germany and fully immerse myself in the language of my choice, but also I would not gain the qualifications required to be taken seriously by anyone outside the UK.

I can't see it catching on.
How do Universities brainwash? Have you been to a university, do you have a university education at any level? Can you actively compare the two?
No I did do an apprenticeship. The three social studies teachers we had (we were forced to do an hour a day of 'social studies') were complete arseholes, one was a card carrying member of the communist party, one was a long-haired, perverted, Scouse hippy and the other was a left-wing Liberal tit, all of them bone idle parasites, hated by most of us.
Everyone in third level education funds it solely themselves?

Through taxation. It's how society works. My parents worked all their lives, paid their taxes, along with the rest of society, so that I, my siblings and the rest of the nation's children could have an education. With that education, I broaden my horizons, live a full life, contribute to society, find work and pay my taxes (gladly) so that my kids, and yours if you have them, and everybody else's can have a decent education. And so on and so on.

People are more than economic units only there to accrue wealth and possessions and contribute to meaningless growth figures. Everybody deserves the chance to make the best of themselves in the way that suits them and if they do that, society as a whole benefits. We become a healthier, happier, warmer, more tolerant, nicer society. That's what education is for and that's what your taxes are for.
Yeah, but very few companies round here need languages. That applied as much in 1999 when I did my A Levels as it does now. Plus I wouldn't have been in any way personally developed at that point to enter a work environment and perform effectively. And by denying me going to university, I'd not only be denied the opportunity to live in Germany and fully immerse myself in the language of my choice, but also I would not gain the qualifications required to be taken seriously by anyone outside the UK.

I can't see it catching on.

We'll never know, because no government would be allowed to try it. There would be mass rioting.
In Ireland we have a great system, where the Irish tax payer funds thousands of nurses to be trained each year, so that when they are qualified, they can piss off to Canada, Australia and the U.S. to work. Beats me.
I suppose this is why we have free movement, so those who are skilled in an area which has relatively few opportunities in their country of origin can still make the very best of their qualifications.

Of course UKIP think that is a bad thing and I'd be better off working in a steel mill, for the good of British industry.
Through taxation. It's how society works. My parents worked all their lives, paid their taxes, along with the rest of society, so that I, my siblings and the rest of the nation's children could have an education. With that education, I broaden my horizons, live a full life, contribute to society, find work and pay my taxes (gladly) so that my kids, and yours if you have them, and everybody else's can have a decent education. And so on and so on.

People are more than economic units only there to accrue wealth and possessions and contribute to meaningless growth figures. Everybody deserves the chance to make the best of themselves in the way that suits them and if they do that, society as a whole benefits. We become a healthier, happier, warmer, more tolerant, nicer society. That's what education is for and that's what your taxes are for.
I agree with your second paragraph. Everyone deserves to be given the chance to make the best for themselves and people should be happy. People should also make the best use of their talents and contribute to society. The system that is in place at the moment in most Western countries doesn't work. The young go to college, train in whatever field, then come out to find there is no work in that field and end up working in a shop, McDonalds or behind a bar if they are lucky. It's a con trick. A trick to win votes, promising them a future.
I suppose this is why we have free movement, so those who are skilled in an area which has relatively few opportunities in their country of origin can still make the very best of their qualifications.

Of course UKIP think that is a bad thing and I'd be better off working in a steel mill, for the good of British industry.

I don't think that is what UKIP are saying at all. Work permits for a kick-off would allow free movement, but prevent mass immigration. Besides if Australia wants 1,000 Irish nurses per year, let them fund the education of 1,000 Irish nurses per year. We would then have totally free movement. If a German company wants a French and English speaking translater, let them fund their education.
I agree with your second paragraph. Everyone deserves to be given the chance to make the best for themselves and people should be happy. People should also make the best use of their talents and contribute to society. The system that is in place at the moment in most Western countries doesn't work. The young go to college, train in whatever field, then come out to find there is no work in that field and end up working in a shop, McDonalds or behind a bar if they are lucky. It's a con trick. A trick to win votes, promising them a future.

I don't think making further education a privilege solely open to the rich is the way to reach a achieve that is fair to all, though. There are lots of reasons why there are not enough jobs, but having too many skilled and educated people in society isn't one of them.
I don't think making further education a privilege solely open to the rich is the way to reach a achieve that is fair to all, though. There are lots of reasons why there are not enough jobs, but having too many skilled and educated people in society isn't one of them.

Nor do I, my system would totally remove any bias towards the rich and would result in those being offered places in further education solely on a merit basis. If you are working class and you have got the brains to be a barrister, then the funding and training for 'The Bar' will be provided by the chambers who are looking for new barristers. If you are rich but you haven't got the brains and the privilege then you wont.
I don't think that is what UKIP are saying at all. Work permits for a kick-off would allow free movement, but prevent mass immigration. Besides if Australia wants 1,000 Irish nurses per year, let them fund the education of 1,000 Irish nurses per year. We would then have totally free movement. If a German company wants a French and English speaking translater, let them fund their education.

No, I understand that I'm making ridiculous exaggerations and being stupidly abstract when someone makes a point apposite to my own point of view. I'm not sure where I get it from.

Nor do I, my system would totally remove any bias towards the rich and would result in those being offered places in further education solely on a merit basis. If you are working class and you have got the brains to be a barrister, then the funding and training for 'The Bar' will be provided by the chambers who are looking for new barristers. If you are rich but you haven't got the brains and the privilege then you wont.

Is it possible to identify people as young as 16 for careers that may be 7 or more years training away? How many companies would be willing to take that financial risk? Wouldn't they just recruit from abroad where people have already paid for majority of that education themselves?