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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

Has KTEC popped up, avoided all the questions asked, & tried to move the debate onto something else?

Well I never!

Sorry Mr Jelly, give me a list of the questions that you want answered but please keep them simple so I can answer with as many words with one syllable as possible. I only went to a Comprehensive Dosshole and as The Saturday Boy so rightly said, I am a just a poor victim who was badly let down by our Educational system when all I really needed was to go to St Peters :)
KTEC isn't just wrong - breathtaking displays of ignorance more like.

Jewish? You are one of the lucky ones who marry outside of their religion with their parents wishes. Based on what? QUOTE]


Saturday Boy, you are referring to a couple of posts between andyc225 and myself.

There are several online sources that suggest that a Jewish person who wants to marry a non-Jewish person, may have some trouble in finding a Rabbi who was willing to carry out certain ceremonies. Just to qualify the question, I also asked if it was the case that he may be 'one of the "lucky" ones', who had parents that were more relaxed about inter-faith relationships (as we all know that this can be a sensitive issue for many). I even put the word 'lucky' in inverted commas to avoid any condescending connotations.

Andy responded to my polite question with an equally polite and informative answer, stating that a more Liberal Rabbi may carry out the ceremony and that he would be just as happy for it to be carried out in a council registry office. He was certainly not offended by my question in any way, so why are you so offended ?

For those who can't be bothered to go back to page 19 to look at our polite exchange, here it is. Saturday Boy, just calm down a bit please.

Quote Originally Posted by keeptheexitsclear

Andy, as a matter of interest, and assuming you are Jewish, if you wanted to marry someone who was non-Jewish, are you saying that you would not have a problem finding a Rabbi to marry the two of you ? Are you one of the 'lucky ones' within the Jewish community, who has parents that are more relaxed about inter-faith relationships ?

This was Andy's reply......

It depends really. Orthodox shuls would be completely out of the question unless my partner would be willing to undergo a full conversion process. As someone who is secular for all intents and purposes I wouldn't expect someone to do that unless she was deadly serious about it and even then I'd probably try to discourage her (three times, as the tradition is amongst rabbis). There are more liberal rabbis who would potentially consider performing the simcha but if push came to shove I'd personally be happier at the council registry office.

My parents wouldn't have a problem with me marrying anyone. In the past they've been nothing but welcoming and friendly towards the girlfriends I've had. I was with my last girlfriend for nearly 4 years and they were devastated when we broke up; they treated her as if she was their own daughter right from the start.
No, I was just asking you a question. Another one is, do you think its hypocritical of some parents to try to get their kids into a religious school when they are not in the slightest bit religious ?

No. End of my input.

What is wrong in putting kids into a good school anyway? I really don't have a clue why you feel that is a bad thing just because you didn't do it. You do realise that any child in Wolverhampton has the chance to go to any school in Wolverhampton if they clear the requisite hurdles.
My lads both went to Smestow (the nearest to where we live), one went to Uni and is now an analytical chemist.
The other left at 16, went down the apprenticeship route and is now manager of the southern branch of a Dutch steel business.
There's far too much bollocks spouted about the importance of the School that is attended.
No. End of my input.

What is wrong in putting kids into a good school anyway? I really don't have a clue why you feel that is a bad thing just because you didn't do it. You do realise that any child in Wolverhampton has the chance to go to any school in Wolverhampton if they clear the requisite hurdles.

Perhaps you misunderstand me ? I agree with you. Yes, we all want our kids to go to 'Good' schools. But as the best schools are usually massively 'over-subscribed' only a chosen few will get in while the vast majority have to find somewhere from whats left, knowing that they will not get the same level of education. Knowing that the pass rates will not be as high and knowing that their kids are probably at a disadvantage from an early age compared to the kids going to religious schools. Just an observation that's all. That's just the way things are but it doesn't make it right does it ?
Sorry Mr Jelly, give me a list of the questions that you want answered but please keep them simple so I can answer with as many words with one syllable as possible. I only went to a Comprehensive Dosshole and as The Saturday Boy so rightly said, I am a just a poor victim who was badly let down by our Educational system when all I really needed was to go to St Peters :)
posts 589, & 596:
Perhaps you misunderstand me ? I agree with you. Yes, we all want our kids to go to 'Good' schools. But as the best schools are usually massively 'over-subscribed' only a chosen few will get in while the vast majority have to find somewhere from whats left, knowing that they will not get the same level of education. Knowing that the pass rates will not be as high and knowing that their kids are probably at a disadvantage from an early age compared to the kids going to religious schools. Just an observation that's all. That's just the way things are but it doesn't make it right does it ?

Having worked in education for the last 15 yrs (& having had 2 children go through the state system & come out well) I can say that a large part of the success comes from good parental involvement with their children & the determination of the child itself as to whether success is achieved.

The reality is that the vast majority of State schools provide a very good standard, though the press is keen to promote the relatively small percentage of schools who are failing miserably as it sells papers (a headline of ' School does well - nothing to report' is never going to make the front page).
Having worked in education for the last 15 yrs (& having had 2 children go through the state system & come out well) I can say that a large part of the success comes from good parental involvement with their children & the determination of the child itself as to whether success is achieved.

The reality is that the vast majority of State schools provide a very good standard, though the press is keen to promote the relatively small percentage of schools who are failing miserably as it sells papers (a headline of ' School does well - nothing to report' is never going to make the front page).

Very good point, every parents evening we went to, the Teachers always said that the parents that they really needed to talk to, just never attended parents evening.
I think this is where the combination of poor parenting and ill-equipped schools and poor teachers, can let some children down. The child is always 'the one in the middle' of it all.
Some of course are destined to fail before they even get to school.

Also, successive Governments seem to continually tinker with the system, and try to make sweeping changes each time they are elected. (i.e. have educational standards really improved over the last ten years or have the exams just got easier ?) I really dont know what the answer is but as a Teacher in the audience said on Question Time last Thursday, they spend so much time filling in forms and dealing with quota's when all they really want to do is Teach ! Not rocket science is it, sir !
If and when I have children I intend to send them to the same sort of school I went to. Going to boarding school gave me a good grounding to take into my adult life. I made friends for life in my time at school and I think a similar experience would be great for my theoretical kids.

Come Come now Mr Jelly, when I refer to 'the usual suspects', surely you know who I am referring too. You only have to look through the posts to determine that anyway. Do we really want to stir up an already angry hornets nest by me naming names on here ? Or do you just want to do it so that I have an avalanche of angry bile and vitriol aimed in my direction ? :)
Come Come now Mr Jelly, when I refer to 'the usual suspects', surely you know who I am referring too. You only have to look through the posts to determine that anyway. Do we really want to stir up an already angry hornets nest by me naming names on here ? Or do you just want to do it so that I have an avalanche of angry bile and vitriol aimed in my direction ? :)

Yes please!!
Kids aren't equal so your argument falls down there. Why should a gifted child be subject to schooling they are ahead of just to fit a system? The same applies to the other end of the bell curve too.

Why should we stop people going to public schools if parents want to afford to put their children through a different form of education? Are you going all left wing KTEC and not told anybody about it?

Johnny, Yes I suppose I am a bit Left Wing sometimes. It's hard not to be when you're working class I suppose. I detest the fact that just because one person is richer than another that this virtually guarantees that his or her kids get far better education than those that cant afford it. Hardly the kids fault is it ? You are right when you said that Kids aren't equal, but the awful thing is that are not all kids are given an equal chance to succeed and that's not just down to the school they go to. Life is shit and then you die ?
Come Come now Mr Jelly, when I refer to 'the usual suspects', surely you know who I am referring too. You only have to look through the posts to determine that anyway. Do we really want to stir up an already angry hornets nest by me naming names on here ? Or do you just want to do it so that I have an avalanche of angry bile and vitriol aimed in my direction ? :)

It will be deserved. I don't understand your reluctance given you propensity to make personal comments about various posters on a regular basis. Victim.
It will be deserved. I don't understand your reluctance given you propensity to make personal comments about various posters on a regular basis. Victim.

Personal comments ? Pot, Kettle and Black mean anything to you ? Just because some muppets on here seem to hang on your every word, doesn't mean you are always right. Hypocrite !!
Very good point, every parents evening we went to, the Teachers always said that the parents that they really needed to talk to, just never attended parents evening.
I think this is where the combination of poor parenting and ill-equipped schools and poor teachers, can let some children down.

Not quite the point I was trying to make - you need to read the second part of my post as well
Friends??? I trust my friends to be honest with me, whether i like the answer or not.
You either fail to answer any difficult questions totally, or answer a question with a question.

If you were to take the time to read the questions asked of you,and your replies you would see clearly, you are so full of shit it's frightening. you suggest crap, and then quote crap to back it up, and when it all gets a bit difficult, oops off you go on another subject.

If you weren't hysterical you would be writing on his thread on your own, and loving the wolves is just another load of bollocks to your many poor attempts to curry favour, and get someone, anyone to agree with you.

What the hell has being a wolves fan go to do with your out and out racist bollocks?, Oh yes, are we still friends now?
You accused KTEC and were asked to name names, so .........................................?????
Friends??? I trust my friends to be honest with me, whether i like the answer or not.
You either fail to answer any difficult questions totally, or answer a question with a question.

If you were to take the time to read the questions asked of you,and your replies you would see clearly, you are so full of $#@! it's frightening. you suggest crap, and then quote crap to back it up, and when it all gets a bit difficult, oops off you go on another subject.

If you weren't hysterical you would be writing on his thread on your own, and loving the wolves is just another load of bollocks to your many poor attempts to curry favour, and get someone, anyone to agree with you.

What the hell has being a wolves fan go to do with your out and out racist bollocks?, Oh yes, are we still friends now?

Absolutely ! I would go further than that and say there is something rather sexually exciting about your disturbed and abusive ranting. I actually rather enjoy it.