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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

Picking at bits Penk. They had electric fires 30 years ago too. I said our living standards have fallen in the last 30 years. You said they hadn't.
No you are trying to blame people for wasting money on TV.

Having read the report, I think the report proves that the standard of living has improved because things that weren't classed as a necessity in 1983 are now a necessity, such as internet access and computers. People who don't have internet access or a computer are classed as people missing 'essential household goods', where in 1983 I'd guess 99% of the Country were missing those 'essential household good'. The necessity bar has risen since 1983.

If you want to look at real essential items and the percentage that couldn't afford it:

Meat, fish or vegetables - 1983 was 8% 2012 was 5%
Two meals a day - 1983 was 4% 2012 was 3%
To be fair, if thehistorymakers had said "everybody I know is worse off than they were 30 years ago, therefore everyone is worse off", he'd rightly be called out for spouting anecdotal bollocks.
Having read the report, I think the report proves that the standard of living has improved because things that weren't classed as a necessity in 1983 are now a necessity, such as internet access and computers. People who don't have internet access or a computer are classed as people missing 'essential household goods', where in 1983 I'd guess 99% of the Country were missing those 'essential household good'. The necessity bar has risen since 1983.

If you want to look at real essential items and the percentage that couldn't afford it:

Meat, fish or vegetables - 1983 was 8% 2012 was 5%
Two meals a day - 1983 was 4% 2012 was 3%

Clutching at straws, Penk.
The report clearly says that there is more poverty now. It is no good picking isolated products and trying to claim we are better off now.
Your welcome to keep trying, but you are wasting your time.
The report clearly says that there is more poverty now. It is no good picking isolated products and trying to claim we are better off now.
Your welcome to keep trying, but you are wasting your time.

The report is based on what people now class as essential products rather than the same products been essential, so by the nature of peoples expectations rising then the report is really a load of bollocks. Also, a survey of a 1,000 people is not very comprehensive, is it?

The reason I picked food was because that was the only one that was listed in 1983 and 2012.

The conclusion on the report is about the only thing that is worthwhile reading and I think everyone on here will agree on it.
The report is based on what people now class as essential products rather than the same products been essential, so by the nature of peoples expectations rising then the report is really a load of bollocks. Also, a survey of a 1,000 people is not very comprehensive, is it?

The reason I picked food was because that was the only one that was listed in 1983 and 2012.

The conclusion on the report is about the only thing that is worthwhile reading and I think everyone on here will agree on it.

You don't like the report because it shows what you were saying about today's living standards was incorrect.

PSE report reveals impoverished nation

A stark picture of the levels and extent of deprivation in the UK today is revealed in the Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) first report ‘The Impoverishment of the UK’. The research finds that for a significant proportion of the population their living standards fall below minimum levels and for some, living conditions and opportunities have been going backwards.

Among the key findings are:

Over 30 million people (almost half the population) are suffering some degree of financial insecurity.

Almost 12 million people are too poor to engage in common social activities considered necessary by the majority of the population.Around 4 million children and adults are not properly fed by today’s standards.Around 2.5 million children live in homes that are damp.Around 1.5 million children live in households that cannot afford to heat their home.

The PSE approach, now ADOPTED BY THE UK GOVERNMENT and by a growing number of rich and developing countries, identifies people falling below a publicly-determined minimum standard of living. This method of measuring poverty was pioneered in 1983 and repeated in studies in 1990, 1999, 2002/03 and 2012 allowing trends over 30 years to be tracked.

Today 33% of the UK population suffers from multiple deprivation by the standards set by the public. It was 14% in 1983.'
There's not a chance living standards have fallen in thirty years. Iiterally nobody I know is in a worse position financially, emotionally or health wise than they were 30 years ago. Apart from the few that are dead.

Actually Del my living standards have fallen dramatically from 30 years ago, but all down to life choices i made myself, and choosing to drop out and live in Greece up a mountain.
I will say though that from what i see here, the policies of austerity currently favoured by the big knobs in Europe have made a bad situation , drastically worse.

I agree 100% with your comment re , satellite etc, although my choices aren't wuite so material here , i still make the same ones, relatively speaking, especially smoking, although i have a route into bootleg baccy thank heavens.
You don't like the report because it shows what you were saying about today's living standards was incorrect.

PSE report reveals impoverished nation

A stark picture of the levels and extent of deprivation in the UK today is revealed in the Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) first report ‘The Impoverishment of the UK’. The research finds that for a significant proportion of the population their living standards fall below minimum levels and for some, living conditions and opportunities have been going backwards.

Among the key findings are:

Over 30 million people (almost half the population) are suffering some degree of financial insecurity.

Almost 12 million people are too poor to engage in common social activities considered necessary by the majority of the population.Around 4 million children and adults are not properly fed by today’s standards.Around 2.5 million children live in homes that are damp.Around 1.5 million children live in households that cannot afford to heat their home.

The PSE approach, now ADOPTED BY THE UK GOVERNMENT and by a growing number of rich and developing countries, identifies people falling below a publicly-determined minimum standard of living. This method of measuring poverty was pioneered in 1983 and repeated in studies in 1990, 1999, 2002/03 and 2012 allowing trends over 30 years to be tracked.

Today 33% of the UK population suffers from multiple deprivation by the standards set by the public. It was 14% in 1983.'

Going back to when I first started work in 1994, I earned £70 a week working on a sowing machine, there were people with families earning the same money. That's just over £3.5k a year and was still taxed (I think), today that job would have to pay £13.5k a year.

My 2nd job in 1995, working for a bank, I earned £7.5k a year, as you can imagine a lot of people who worked there had families, they'd now be earning a minimum of £13.5k.

I just can't see any logic that people were better off in 83 or 94/95.
In 1983/1984 I earnt between £130 to £150 a day, £650 to £750 per week. I rented a house for £200. Bricklayers today in the town I stay in are on about £150 to £180 a day, ( I think). To rent the same house would be about a £1000 per month.

I do a different thing now and am very lucky.
Because I'm better off doesn't get away from the fact that there is more poverty today. People are poorer when they work than they were. I can't remember people working and being so poor. Many things were free then. Dentists, prescriptions, ect.

Maybe we should be looking to the future now. To see what we can make better for our kids, when they grow up.
Struggling there Johnny.

At least you're honest. Would you like me to ask simpler questions that don't tax your brain (that's the slushy thing in your skull)?

Most reasonably well read people (that'll be over half the population on your normal distribution curve) will not believe one report and are more likely to question the findings and the relevance of them. You have clearly been handed this and have run with it. I'm not sure why you think you are right when you have little anecdotal, experience or written evidence to go on.
Bricklayers and tradesmen were charging a fortune up until the recession, when you know, house stopped been built.

If the economy carries on recovering in the way it is, I'd expect them to start earning a fortune again. £52k a year is pretty decent, is in't really?
In 1970 i earned 6 pounds twelve and six a week before stopaages and another 3 quid on the black weekends at the buthchers, and had a 3 bed flat with two mates in Harbourne, who earned the same.

We did alright, but the equivalent needed now would be astronomical, so apart from the luxuries, phones and computers, have staples like rent and food risen so high in proportion to wages in the last 30 years.

We went everywhere by bus in those days but i know from my last time back in blighty, that bus fares have risen astronomically since those days, and as for the trains........I was shocked, and that was in 1994/5.
In 1983/1984 I earnt between £130 to £150 a day, £650 to £750 per week. I rented a house for £200. Bricklayers today in the town I stay in are on about £150 to £180 a day, ( I think). To rent the same house would be about a £1000 per month

You were on roughly £37.5k per year when the national average was £6k. That's pretty good going and £40k (your listed wage) is still £16k above the average wage now. I have little sympathy for a price correction as dramatic as that.

Just for information the average price if milk has risen 275% and loaf of bread 335% from 1983 to 2013. The average wage has gone up just shy of 400%.