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FA Cup

Even Mark Chapman (Utd fan & BBC presenter) was saying it will be ridiculous if they show Utd on TV in the next round.
Sunday game please Mr BBC or BT. Ta muchly
Sunday on the BBC would be lovely.
It could have been better, but Lincolns priority is getting back into the league. They have already made a few bob out of their cup run, and will do so out of this game.

They got 90k for winning alone the other day and have made £300k from the cup so far, they didn't mention if that included this weekends TV and gate money but imagine it did. Radio commentators mentioned it.
I've no idea if this was just some Twitter bull$#@! conspiracy theory but apparently it came out via Lineker and Dan Walker that the BBC wanted to show Sutton in the last round but the FA made them show Man Utd. Wouldn't surprise me if they had some sort of dodgy deal going on as they are ALWAYS on. What is the stats now for FA Cup ties and Utd?
Sort of true. They chose Man Utd and then asked to change after Lincoln won and the FA said no.
I personally think it's a shite draw. It'll be on tele, probably sell out and kids will find it exciting, but we are two games away from Wembley and there were 10/11 teams at home we could have beaten on our day. Chelsea isn't one of them and we won't even lose to their first 11 or anything close to it so the kids can't at least say they saw the stars play.
Wasn't it an own goal the last time we beat them - 90 mins of obdurate defending then a quick counter with Terry heading in for us
One of the spawniest goals you'll ever see. We deserved to win though
Off the top if my head I think it was headed in by Terry under pressure from Stephen Hunt from a corner.
They will though. Manchester United attract the TVs audiences.
You can see that by the fact most electronic advertising hoardings at Old Trafford show mainly foreign adverts.
People saying they want Burgoyne (sp?) to start versus Chelsea? I liked the story of him but he literally had nothing to do and personally I was disappointed with him for the goal. Ikeme may not be the most athletic of keepers but his physicality is one of his strengths anytime I've seen him live and he takes that decision to head away from Doherty, who I personally felt like hesitated as was potentially expected a call. I want Ikeme back in net for this.
He dug out a great save with his feet to keep us in it at 2-1.
I also thought Burgoyne could have come and claimed some crosses / situations but that's really harsh on a lad who has not had much game time.

It was a good save, and him playing will give all the youngsters the encourgement that they too can get a game.

Some youngsters will not get on so well so the fans must be patient