That debate will never happen, partly because our government are cowards and partly because an abstract concept of some deaths is always fine right up to the point where it’s your mum or dad.
I understand what you are trying to say and I'm not trying to argue for the sake of it.
All I'm trying to say is that, these restrictions are having a hugely damaging effect on so many people's lives, it's not a binary choice between being compassionate and trying to save the vulnerable on one side, and a sociopathic desire to simply let the virus rip regardless of the consequences on the other. At least for me any debate about the restrictions has never been in the abstract, both courses of action have potentially grave consequences for my loved ones.
At some point we are going to have to face up to fact that covid is going to be here forever. If we never have the debate about an acceptable level of deaths, we wil be stuck like this indefinitely, with all of the societal devastation that goes along with it getting progressively worse.
The scientists advising the government are concerned with the narrow issue of reducing the transmission of the virus and minimising deaths, without really taking account of all of the other factors. For me that should be the job of the politicians. That's why, when they say they are just following the science, it's such bullshit.
Apparently Johnson reveres Churchill and likes to think of himself as a bit of a second coming of him. He's obviously doesn't subscribe to what Churchill said about scientists:
"Scientists should be on tap, but not on top."
Churchill sent a quarter of a million young men to their deaths. There were probably alternative courses of action which would have resulted in massively fewer deaths. But he stuck to his convictions that that was what needed to be done and he took the public with him. I don't really know the pros and cons of whether what we did in WW2 was justifiable, I'm just bringing it up as an example of political leadership.
Johnson is such a coward, he hides behind the science because he can't bear the responsibility of being held responsible for any deaths whatsoever, when that is exactly what a good leader should be doing. To be honest I'm so fucking depressed by it all, it's literally ruining people's lives and I can't see an end to it.