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I haven't seen Andrew Lloyd Webber this wound up since he flew in specially to vote to make the poor, poorer.
I’m booked in for my second jab end of July. Tempted to see what is available earlier. But don’t want to tempt fate and cancel it on the NHS site to find I’ve lost my original date.
I presume your 2nd jab was the 11-12 weeks from the first? So you won't lose that spot. The worst that happens should be the exact same appointment option comes up. In reality you will get an appointment earlier than you have now (obviously if it goes tits up I will delete this post and deny ever posting it...)

My daughter wh is 24 made her appointment today online and her first jab is this Wednesday and 2nd exactly 8 weeks later. So completley binned the 12 week wait time for all ages now
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When will society start policing itself?
The pillocks in charge of this country keep lifting the restrictions far too soon.
They ease them off a bit, then thousands flock to the pubs, town centres and beaches, exercise no social distancing and hardly any wear a mask, and then we're all surprised when there's a spike.
Look what happened in Portugal.
They appeared on the Green List, thousands booked holidays , hundreds of footy fans booked flights and went to see a game then what happened?
We have a big spike in Portugal, the lights go from Green to Amber so now thousands are fucking about in a blind panic trying to get home early. Holiday ruined, huge extra expense.
No lessons learned there then.
Same over here in Ireland, restrictions get relaxed, people come miles, from all over the country to come to the beach. No one checked the times of the high tide and we then had over a thousand stupid people jammed onto a tiny strip of sand, yes 2 miles long but only about 20 feet wide in places and several places none at all as the sea washed against the sand dunes. Hardly anyone wearing face masks and then we hear there's a spike! Really?!
Dublin was packed with fucking idiots jamming the streets, pissing all over the place, setting fire to plastic litter bins then throwing stones at the police and fire brigade .
Then today we hear that after all the loss of business over the past months, places are spending money they haven't got getting stock in, getting staff in, ready to open, then Boris the fucking idiot, pushes the opening back 4 weeks and all of a sudden everyone is moaning about all the money they're going to lose again.
Society is basically stupid and when that is recognised, it needs to start policing itself. Not the government.
I feel its getting close to some sort of visible indication that you have had the jabs and that you've been tested and are clean.
Yes, you can come into my shop, you cant because I don't know if you're clean.
Some sort of a wrist band. Get checked once a week and have your jabs.
And don't get me started about people's rights! If they don't want to have the jab, they can't be forced to have it. Fine!
But don't expect to come into my shop, get on my bus, come into my restaurant, come into my Tesco etc etc.
Thought I'd share that as I haven't been on here for a while.
How is everyone?
I presume your 2nd jab was the 11-12 weeks from the first? So you won't lose that spot. The worst that happens should be the exact same appointment option comes up. In reality you will get an appointment earlier than you have now (obviously if it goes tits up I will delete this post and deny ever posting it...)

My daughter wh is 24 made her appointment today online and her first jab is this Wednesday and 2nd exactly 8 weeks later. So completley binned the 12 week wait time for all ages now
I think it depends where you are, both me and my partner had ours booked 11 weeks apart. I had my first a couple of weeks ago and hers was Friday just gone.
The CL Final had nowt to do with Portugal being taken off our green travel list.

infact, if we using the rules set out by the Government on the traffic light system. Portugal, USA and a load of other places would be green right now.

On that front you are seeing how our Goverment works. go back a few months and we started the Red List stuff and sat and watched as India had cases explode, scary numbers. We obviously reacted quickly to that and *checks notes* let people travel to and from India for 3 weeks, with zero quarantine when returning as our PM needed to keep them sweet for a trade deal. Then a variant popped up and we finally put the country on the red list (to compare, at the same time we were allowing people who had visitied India in we had red listed Pakistan, where the infection rate was actually low enough to be an amber warning).
So the Delta variant arrives, causes havoc and we get stuff like taking Portugal off the list to limit travel because of errr reasons (they tried using a Nepal Variant as a reason but the WHO stated no known variant for that area)

The 4 extra weeks we are now facing are 100% down to Boris Johnson. There is no way he could have stopped Delta coming here but leaving them off the Red List for 3 weeks allowed it to swamp parts of the country. Red List as soon as India go above the threshold and we limit it, get an early hold of it in regions and of course stop hundreds and thousands of people flying back.
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If anyone gets asked to do the ONS antibody study then I’d recommend that you give it a miss. Two minutes in hot water, two minutes exercise, alcohol wipes, 10 backstroke arm rotations, pin pricks and then an attempt to force 5ml of blood into a test tube.
More ends up on the floor than in the tube as you squeeze the blood out of you finger.
I think you are either accepting of anything - see opinion polls, or resigned to the incompetence and the excusing of it
It is genuinely strange how generally more complainative (yes it is a real word, I looked it up...) people are in overall day to day life, yet how passive people are when it comes to how the country is run.
Obviously getting a refund in Wetherspoons because your egg is too runny is much more important...
Called my GP and am booked in for the J&J single dose on Friday. Anyone had it yet and know what to expect?
It is genuinely strange how generally more complainative (yes it is a real word, I looked it up...) people are in overall day to day life, yet how passive people are when it comes to how the country is run.
Obviously getting a refund in Wetherspoons because your egg is too runny is much more important...
Agreed, as the days and weeks pass i am more and more surprised by this. In some ways i envy the people who don't care, their lives must be so much better. I am in a constant rage whenever i see that pathetic manchild on TV, or hear Gove, Hancock, Patel et al on TV/radio, it must be nice not to feel like that?
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Agreed, as the days and weeks pass i am more and more surprised by this. In some ways i envy the people who don't care, their lives much be so much better. I am in a constant rage whenever i see that pathetic manchild on TV, or hear Gove, Hancock, Patel et al on TV/radio, it must be nice not to feel like that?
I used to be like that, these days I really can't be fucked - I'm trying to ignore the fact that the majority of people seem to be fucking idiots.
I used to be like that, these days I really can't be fucked - I'm trying to ignore the fact that the majority of people seem to be fucking idiots.
I think it partly comes with age....seen it so many times before.....Johnson isn't the first bumbling idiot we've had in charge
I think it partly comes with age....seen it so many times before.....Johnson isn't the first bumbling idiot we've had in charge

Surely he has to be the worst? I can remember Thatcher onwards and despite my objections to many of them at least they had some qualities to make them more suited to the job?
Surely he has to be the worst? I can remember Thatcher onwards and despite my objections to many of them at least they had some qualities to make them more suited to the job?
Same frame of reference as me. Thatcher's lot knew what they were doing, I disagree with a lot of it, but there was an ideological consistency. This lot are just incompetent, riding a populist wave.
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