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Birmingham City 2 - 1 Wolves Verdict Thread.


…unlucky Del - No chance 😉
Nov 30, 2012
Reaction score
Have at ye.
Real shitter. Big set-back and the Boro match is huuuuuuge now. Hope this doesn't dent confidence too much.
Take one shotgun aim at your foot and pull the trigger. Makes the Bora game a cant lose match for me
Nice title. He isn't worth £5m. Is there any need for that?
Disappointing result, but definitely not the end of the world. A flat performance today by the sounds of it, but still confident we have a side that can be in those playoff places at the end.
Apparently SG should have just wankered the ball out the ground but trying to do a Mcdonald ala Leeds he let Gray have it back.
We will need the away performance of the season against boro.
Disappointing result, but definitely not the end of the world. A flat performance today by the sounds of it, but still confident we have a side that can be in those playoff places at the end.

Exactly, we have easily the kindest final two games as both teams we play should already be down. Get a result next Saturday and we're still in the box seat I reckon.
Didn't you just know that this game would be a pain in the arse and so it proved.
By the sounds of it we weren't at the races and a defeat was fair and Golbourne sounds at fault for the winner.
Massive kick in teeth with this result especially having to go to Boro on Tuesday.
Nice title. He isn't worth £5m. Is there any need for that?

It was tongue in cheek, mate, when have I ever just up and had a (serious) go at someone out of the blue?
posted in the wrong bloody thread :

am really not looking forward to work on monday as most the people there are bluenoses and ive been bigging wolves up all week and they royally fecked it up today o well win on tuesday and we are back on track but still we have dropped far to many points to teams in the middle and bottom end of the table this year - Reading, Millwall etc.. thought Kenny didnt do enough after there second goal in terms of changes just the same old henry . vlp swap which didnt change things and i would have brought Jacobs on knowing he would be roaring to go to prove a point o well.
Exactly, we have easily the kindest final two games as both teams we play should already be down. Get a result next Saturday and we're still in the box seat I reckon.
We lose tues and Derby Ipswich both win their home match and saturdays match becomes incredibly tense.
Let's not fuck up yet another verdict thread ay.

Worst I've seen Wolves play this season. Golbourne out for Hause on Tuesday. He was so fucking shit it was unreal. McDonald and Sako almost as bad. Henry Iorfa Dicko Afobe only ones up for it. Henry off for van La Parra was a stupid sub, Henry was our best player. Donaldson won every long ball vs Batth and Stearman and Fabbrini made Price look like an idiot.

Worst thing about today was the lack of fight. Well done Wolves on giving 4K Wolves fans nothing to sing about.
Exactly, we have easily the kindest final two games as both teams we play should already be down. Get a result next Saturday and we're still in the box seat I reckon.

It might not work out quite that easily though, sometimes you see teams get a lift after their fate has been sealed, suddenly start playing with freedom once the pressure has been alleviated and I suppose you'd have a few individuals looking to impress in the hope of securing a move away rather than drop a league, could be dangerous for a young Wolves team who likely still be under pretty intense pressure to perform, not sure how many would have experience of dealing with that sort of pressure before.
It might not work out quite that easily though, sometimes you see teams get a lift after their fate has been sealed, suddenly start playing with freedom once the pressure has been alleviated and I suppose you'd have a few individuals looking to impress in the hope of securing a move away rather than drop a league, could be dangerous for a young Wolves team who likely still be under pretty intense pressure to perform, not sure how many would have experience of dealing with that sort of pressure before.

There are never any absolutes, you'd rather be playing two of the worst three teams in the division at the end than two half decent teams though. They are rooted in the relegation zone for a good reason. Wigan haven't won at home since August FFS.
There are never any absolutes, you'd rather be playing two of the worst three teams in the division at the end than two half decent teams though. They are rooted in the relegation zone for a good reason. Wigan haven't won at home since August FFS.

That is shocking tbh.