Just having mine now. Superb.It is indeed that and it's bloody lush.
Yep. Beavertown have stepped up to the plate. About time too.Beavertown - Humuloid. If you see it, buy it in vast quantities. 8% DIPA. As thick and juicy as freshly squeezed tropical fruit juice. Still has a piney sort of nettle like hoppy sting in the tale to remind you it's actually a beer. Just phenomenal. Might even top any of the hazy Cloudwater DIPAs I've had. A more complex hop profile in this one.
There are Petrus six packs in Lidl for £7.99 at the moment, including the Aged Red.
Really!? Yowsers, I shall have to pop down tonight.
Yep. Sour six pack, or Dubbel/Tripel/Blond mix.
Lost & Grounded - Keller Pils on BeerBods tonight (if I can get to the Post Office on time!).
Yep. Sour six pack, or Dubbel/Tripel/Blond mix.
Shite beer, but the view ...........![]()