Yeah, that was my question. How much more difficult is a grain grew compared to extract?Never seen an extract punk kit. Brewdog have released all their recipes in 5 gallon batch size and i think you can buy the recipe kits from Malt Miller. All grain though.
What was the punk brew kit like in terms of difficulty and quality of result?
I've done my fair share of homebrew in the past, but always from extract.
There's a lot more to it. I don't even think you can really do it on your hob (presuming this is how you brewed extract) unless you scaled down to, at most, 2 gallon batches. You need a hot water tank, a boil pot and a way of sparging (rinsing the grains and collecting the run off). The effort is definitely worth it - think of it as the difference between cooking a bolognese from scratch or using a jar of sauce.
Got a few cans of Stone today - not had it before, but it's fantastic. Thanks for the heads up.
There was a load of new stuff in Tesco today, as well as the Stone - Oskar Blues, Meantime, Redwell, Fourpure, Flying Dog, Belhaven, Vocation
My local Asda now has Vocation, Brew York, Victory and a few others now too.Yes they have some really good beers at the moment, got some vocation and four pure too today.