There really isn't much of a student scene in town these days (if there ever was one), you rarely see groups of them out in the pubs. Kids these days don't understand how to have any fun.
Like Mark says, the building itself is a good one and a big glass front like that can be an attractive feature if you do it right. Just turning it into a place I might want to go occasionally will do.
I liked the Varsity a lot as a pub, the service in there was deplorable at times though. Only a notch above the Moon (which should I ever find any place to submit nominations for the worst service in Western Europe, I'll be putting forward, I hate that place).
It's probably still owned by Stonegate so their definition of craft will probably differ to ours...
It will be one of these
Never been in one though, as far as I can tell.
It's probably still owned by Stonegate so their definition of craft will probably differ to ours...
It will be one of these
Never been in one though, as far as I can tell.
Ah, macro craft then.
#supermarketcraft #noteliteenoughforme
I jest, of course. I'm just desperate for a place that will have the latest Cloudwater DIPA on tap on release date, hosts meet the brewer events, has a beer matched food menu, etc.
Didn't a waste pipe split in the Royal London once covering everyone below in shit?The toilets in there were HORRIFIC.
Didn't a waste pipe split in the Royal London once covering everyone below in shit?