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NSFW Amusing/Interesting/Thought Provoking Video + Picture Thread

The attitudes shown by some on this thread is exactly why International Womens Day is so important. We (well, not most of us on here, thank goodness but society in general) clearly have a fucking long way to go yet.

Still - bantz, innit
I’d typed a more forgiving response, but come on. Type that crap and you’re a sexist dinosaur and have no idea at all of the harm lazy misogyny causes. It’s not like you’ve had no chances to learn so just fuck off with your Roy Chubby Brown bollocks.
I can’t let it go though - can you answer in what possible way would pointing out that something has been flagged as not suitable for the workplace explain to a woman why I was looking at a sexist joke? You’re saying that if I did that they’d say - oh right, fair enough? I mean, what???
Not suitable for the workplace?
Surely not suitable for women?
Whoa kimosabe, where did i say time of the month.
Make your point by all means, but dont invent points for me, i make my own, and expected far better from you than borisism.
I didn't, i referenced another comment someone else had made, to highlight that misogynistic comments have been a trend recently. Your original post asked about a trend, and I highlighted another example.
Ok i have been living in greece for 30 years, maybe i clearly missed the proper rules of PC,but am i to assume that a bit of humour, if its about women is now banned, or men or someone who is not english, tory, a royalist or whatever is banned
Women take the piss out of men here on a daily basis ( not difficult) men take the piss out of women, but fuck me they all laugh when someone scores a point.
That is the point of BANTER.
So my question is what are you fuckers doing with good old fashioned banter, humour, call it what you will.
It's not banter if it is derogatory towards a particular group, and based on outdated and incorrect stereotypes.
anyone can iron, it isn't a womans job to do so FFS. Had the banner been related to international mens day, no one would have made the "shoulda ironed it joke". Know why? Because stereotypes don't assume men iron.
So the "banter" is derogatory to women.
It's a well known fact that only women find sexist jokes sexist, doncha know
The joke is the irony, and the complete lack of awareness of the person making statement rather than the statement itself, to me it is anyway.

I guess there might be the subtly around how it reinforces stereotypes though.
sorry, but no. there is no irony in the joke posted. and the laughter is not aimed at the so called irony.
Bit sensitive aren't you? Why would that be?
Do you feel the image is a reasonable one? I don't, and I concur with @Langers and similar views expressed.

Still stand by your comment the other day? I still feel it was unacceptable, and 'd suggest popular opinion agrees in the main.
You're welcome to support your view if you want, or you can post a smiley/laughing face instead.

That said, if you continue to think your post was acceptable, I kinda pity you. Although I pity your spouse more tbh.
You're welcome to your opinion, LJ. Perhaps I was a little crass & posted it without giving much thought. If I said a similar comment to my partner, she'd probably take it as it was meant - a little gentle ribbing with no malice intended, but the written word can come across very differently to the spoken one. I can comfortably say she wouldn't get offended on behalf of others. And she, like myself, certainly wouldn't go around labeling people with names like "misogynist" when they know nothing about them. But each to their own.

This conversation is on risky ground at this point, so I'll step away as I definitely don't fancy getting grouped in with some of the other more... er, 'controversial' posters on this forum. The lines are being blurred because Pav has mentioned that dangerous word "banter", which by the way, genuinely racist, or sexist, or whatever people hide behind - but that wasn't how my post the other day was intended then, or now. Discussions like this always remind me of this:

Anyway, apologies for any offence caused. I'd go back and delete it but it was quoted a few times so doesn't seem like much point now.
sorry, but no. there is no irony in the joke posted. and the laughter is not aimed at the so called irony.
I guess I don't take everything at face value. As I said, for me, the 'butt' of the joke isn't women - it's the ignorance of the person making the statement because of how ridiculous such attitudes are.
Ok guys, i give up, you overwhwelmed me with your numbers.
Same old gang who now control the forum, are attempting to control our everyday life.
Pile in call me a racist, or whatever you like, do i give a fuck.....no
I know who i am, what i am and, most important, i know what i believe in and stand up for that without the aid of a keyboard, or a gang of fans.
Langers i am surprised at you, i really liked you as person, they sucked you in, sadly.
PM me with your vitriol, slag me off on the forum, but please realise two things. I have experienced more of the world for longer than most of you put together, and secondly i really dont give a FUCK.
So go for it guys, at least it will give Johnny a break.
Ok guys, i give up, you overwhwelmed me with your numbers.
Same old gang who now control the forum, are attempting to control our everyday life.
Pile in call me a racist, or whatever you like, do i give a fuck.....no
I know who i am, what i am and, most important, i know what i believe in and stand up for that without the aid of a keyboard, or a gang of fans.
Langers i am surprised at you, i really liked you as person, they sucked you in, sadly.
PM me with your vitriol, slag me off on the forum, but please realise two things. I have experienced more of the world for longer than most of you put together, and secondly i really dont give a FUCK.
So go for it guys, at least it will give Johnny a break.
Putting that to one side, and because I really don’t think this has been surfaced enough yet, did you really think that this stood for Not Suitable For Women? If you’re going to reveal this is a wind up I might have to reconsider and accept your genius.
Putting that to one side, and because I really don’t think this has been surfaced enough yet, did you really think that this stood for Not Suitable For Women? If you’re going to reveal this is a wind up I might have to reconsider and accept your genius.
Not at all, of course i thought it stood for not suitable for women.
Not suitable for the workplace?????
You are taking the piss, where do you work, a fucking nunnery?