Ha ha It always happened, it's gonna happen, of course xxx will score against us it's fate, they haven't won for six weeks of course they will beat us, it's written.
Well which $#@!er wrote it?, said it?, proffers it as a mystical fact? it's all bollocks!.
the players thought "Wigan, bottom, haven't won $#@! this season, pah we'll have a coffee just before the game, stroll out there with our new Portugese whizz kids, and hope for their sake, they brought vaseline with them"
The manager should have been working to stop that kind of stupid, naiive, $#@! thinking, from the second the final whistle went against Brentford.
It's not Tuesday night footie, it's not the jinx of ex players, it's not the myth of a team on a run of six $#@! games changing things, always against Wolves,
it's a bunch of cocky $#@!ers thinking they are Man City not poor old Wolves, and they need a good stiff kick up the arse for that kind of bollocks thinking, and Walt for $#@!ing allowing it.
Most members of this forum could have predicted that attitude before even being asked.
That's the Wolves disease,, a bunch of cocky $#@!s who think they are cock of the walk, it's nothing to do with luck, the fates or the Tuesday heeby jeebies.