This makes me happy, angry, relieved, guilty, and sad.
Our mobile phone bill has been a LOT higher for two months. Previously our carrier would warn us if we used too much data, but not anymore. My wife understands this stuff much better than I do so she blamed me last month and I accepted it is my fault. Yesterday she found out it is her phone that has been using the extra data. She is home all day and always using her phone. We had to replace our router a few weeks ago and neither of us realised that meant having to reconnect our phones to our network.
I am relieved we have fixed the problem, but part of me is happy that my wife is to blame. So I feel guilty about that. I am angry with our phone carrier for not notifying us about the extra usage, and for not understanding that seniors are not as tech savvy as kids. I am also sad - my wife has depression and this has not helped her.