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The Things You Are HAPPY About Thread.

Yes very good news indeed for SLA, Machin, Darlowolf and his son.

After spending about 10 years clearing my debts, I'm now consigned to a lifetime of them!

And WH, yes we will be looking to do some kitchen work in the next few years - hopefully when we can get on a tracker mortgage and have a bit more available fundage! New hardwood, probably walnut, worktops and new white cupboard doors. New wall tiles too. Would like a hardwood floor ideally as there are terracotta tiles down at the moment and they're, all of a sudden, looking a bit 2003.
Machin, New baby... new house.. you're gone mate!

Never to be seen again!

Playing music with your band, coming on the forum?
Forget it!

Top news, Will. Should be an ace Christmas - your first with the little 'un and the first in your new home.

Pleased for you mate.
Ha, first job was to make sure the internet provision was sorted. Got Virgin Media booked in for tomorrow afternoon - PTG would die without me!
Cheers Langers. Got a big weekend of moving stuff around.

Oh, and if anyone wants a 3 & 2 sofa and/or a fridge freezer, let me know. Dirt cheap, but you must be able to collect!
You sound like my other half!
You'll know you're a PROPER grown up if - during your move - you find a longish piece of wood and keep it to one side as a perfect paint stirring utensil.
I can't wait to be a homeowner.

Although my curent study on Mortgage conditions may tell me otherwise!
We're paying 40% more for our mortgage than we were on rent.
Is that on a repayment mortgage though? As opposed to interest only.
We're paying 40% more for our mortgage than we were on rent.

Wow! We're paying about 30% LESS on the mortgage than when we were renting!

That longish piece of wood you might find, or a good stiff bit of wire or something out of the back of the old washing machine will probably more accurately be referred to as, "That'll come in handy...".
Is that on a repayment mortgage though? As opposed to interest only.

Yeah, was the best we could get for our measly 10% deposit. We wanted to be able to negotiate a better deal at the end of the fixed term (2 years) so needed to have actually paid of some of the loan in order to do that.
Wow! We're paying about 30% LESS on the mortgage than when we were renting!

That longish piece of wood you might find, or a good stiff bit of wire or something out of the back of the old washing machine will probably more accurately be referred to as, "That'll come in handy...".

We had the absolute minimum deposit though, not for years of trying our damndest to save up as much as we could.
We had the absolute minimum deposit though, not for years of trying our damndest to save up as much as we could.

Well done for getting your mortgage with ONLY the minimum requirement though Will.

Good man!
Whilst it is more than you're rent at least your paying into an invesment for you and the family rather than just paying rent into your Landlord's back pocket.

In the long run you will be better off.
Unless interest rates rocket up in the next few years - then we'll be fucked! :D