Just the name Sue, but the ground and whole set up is terrific!
Hey 'Dicks' is huge over here so doe knock it
It is a fairly decent ground tbf.
Just the name Sue, but the ground and whole set up is terrific!
.... but this revelation has knocked back all the good work they have fought to get back in the last 18 months.
Not quite Quirky, it doesn't undermine EVERYTHING they've done in the last year and a half, but it's sure a disappointing fuck up.
Shows a lack of respect for the Harris family and a chronic lack of imagination.
Very disappointed with our leaders.
Phoning the family up to TELL them it's happening is a shit thing to do.
I remember when my Dad died, he was cremated in Dublin and his ashes sent over to Hale Barns (Roy Keane country) for scattering.
They were delayed somewhere and the fucking STAR newpaper somehow got wind of it and ran a front page story on it.
The SUN rang me up at 2am to tell me that as the Star were running it, they were going to run a similar story too. I told them I didn't want them to, but they said, 'Well, we're sorry, but it's a good story, so we're running it.... we're just letting you know!'
So telling the family what's happening/just letting them know, is just just heading off the headline as it were.
They should have consulted with the family and if there was a general feeling, on top of Sir Jack not wanting it to happen, then they should have respected that and done something else.
Very poor.
Who the bloody hell was your Dad?