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The Blame Game

Doc holds his hand up for the second. Our shape at the back had narrowed like normal but Doc was in his own world. Letting Redmond run away from him like a fat kid after the ice cream van.

That doesn't excuse Neves for giving the ball away or Saiss having Troare's awareness skills.

I think Coady also has a shocker on the first two goals, no organisation or leadership on either. He should be taking control in both situations.

Agree - especially the last line. His defending for the first goal I thought was bizarre! I think he wanted to stop the cut back but instead showed him a more dangerous pass. Doesn't excuse Saiss' defending either of course.
Also I think that Doherty has a defensive 'mare all the time he was on the pitch. Reverted to his 'useless' status.
Wasn't anywhere he should have been for the first two goals. Not excusing other defenders, but when one goes missing completely it unbalances the defence.

Traore? Not good enough.
The second comes from Boly, Jonny and Doherty being too high up the pitch. Boly being out of position means Coady and Saiss both shuffle over leaving the space for Redmond to run into. I couldn't see from the highlights why he was so far up, but once he is at least one of the wing backs need to cover. Doherty is too slow spotting the danger, but as we know defensively he's poor.

Traore has zero football intelligence, zip, fuck all, nothing. My 11 year old would have known to push up from there, but as always he's standing watching the game go by to wake up when the ball comes to him. We've had worse players than him over the years, ones up have tried less, ones who have been bigger tossers, but in terms of fundamental lack of understanding of what to do positionally in pretty much any area of the pitch I can't think of anyone as poor. He's a footballing ignoramus.

Saiss for the first showed he doesn't have the wherewithal to be a long term answer at the back. He knew Redmond was there but still didn't recognise the danger
From their point of view it's a good goal. From our point of view we were completely all over the shop from a restart and that shouldn't happen. Reminiscent of Watford's second goal at Molineux. Yes, great finish, wonderfully taken. But we seriously messed up on multiple levels.

That last sentence I think is the key. It wasn't single individual errors leading to goals it was a wholesale breakdown in multiple areas

On the plus side, we could have easily conceded 2 more, but we could on another day scored at least 2 more for a point. I don't believe Saturday was the first in a succession of worsening performances, we will regroup and reorganize and get back to doing what we do best
Ryan Bennett for a back pass Our Ronald Zubar would have been proud of!
Shame for him but otherwise he was good again I thought. We shouldn’t be looking at a one off error to pass judgement on him IMO
It's Bennett today, but we won

He is still...

Bennett has saved us on a number of occasions this season - sounds like he got it wrong today (once) - not going to put him in the stocks for that & as Paddy has said we still won.

He cost us nothing to buy so he has far more than repaid us.
Bennett has saved us on a number of occasions this season - sounds like he got it wrong today (once) - not going to put him in the stocks for that & as Paddy has said we still won.

He cost us nothing to buy so he has far more than repaid us.

Absolutely, and he has had an excellent season surpassing our expectations. But, this is the blame thread and today its his fault. No biggy, not calling for him to be shot, dropped or replaced, just acknowledging his rick.
Oh absolutely


Everybody needs a Bennett in the middle, everybody needs a Bennett...
Have you banged your head today Pad?
Not yet. Give it time. Just getting my Brimful of Asha stuff out of the way early.
So the final totals are in. Doc "wins" this one but he did massively improve as time went on. Only marked down twice after his Man City horror show in January and one of them is a group nomination as everyone was all over the place.

I might run it again next season, we'll see. It does get people upset sometimes.
I think it has been interesting. Confrontational at times, but definitely an interesting angle on our performances.
Perhaps a title change could be considered, so it doesn't appear to be a vehicle for "having a go" so to speak?
I am not sure what else you can call it. The concept really is who was at fault if we concede.

I suppose "why the fuck did that go in" might suffice.
FFS Costa?

Traore at it Again?