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The Advice Thread

Having a real issue doing the corporate/office world - off with stress right now - looking for ideas of how I could earn a medium income for, hopefully, the 10 years until I can retire. Had a quick look at training to be a plumber. All sensible suggestions welcomed.
What about a moderate change transferring some of your skills but working in a more comfortable environment. There are plenty of home based Sales Engineers opportunities in the manufacturing industry.

IT sales can send anyone round the bend however don't let the "engineer" part put you off looking at it.

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What about a moderate change transferring some of your skills but working in a more comfortable environment. There are plenty of home based Sales Engineers opportunities in the manufacturing industry.

IT sales can send anyone round the bend however don't let the "engineer" part put you off looking at it.

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk

Siggy - any good sites/agencies you can recommend?

After a couple of weeks off, it is clear I need something to occupy my time, but something flexible with home/field working might do the trick.
Siggy - any good sites/agencies you can recommend?

After a couple of weeks off, it is clear I need something to occupy my time, but something flexible with home/field working might do the trick.
BMS were pretty good in the past but if you have a look on Totaljobs there is loads on there. If you need any help beyond that just shout. I converted many moons ago from IT techy to sales engineer and beyond its a far more relaxed type of work.

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
Oh one othmther thing I got fed up of being managed at one point and did Sales Agency for a while so commision only with a retainer that is very flexible indeed and you can earn very good money if you are good at it. Good luck pal I have been where you were I was miserable and felt totally undervalued.

If you want to chat over the phone at some point just let me know.

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
The location is 5 mins further away from my current office with the possibility of travelling further outside the city regularly as they have offices on the southside.

TBH, I have a great job at the moment, I would happily do it for a few more years but this is an interesting opportunity and I trust my colleague's judgement.

First Rob, where are the offices on the southside? on the DART or LUAS? If not, that'll be a pain in the arse.
Second, You might trust your colleague's judgement, but as I said on the phone, he approached you by email, so it's all informal. So... keeping it informal, I'd ask him all the Q's you can think of including progression, responsibilities and future job specs and responsibilities. Also consider likely salary increases too. And whilst you might respect his judgement Rob, if you're unhappy 6 months in, his judgement isn't going to fix it.
Having a good handle on what makes your job great at the moment, if any of his responses move you away from what makes you happy now.... then you have a decision to make.
Absolutely nothing to lose from going and having a chat.

If they come back with something interesting, take it to your current bosses. "I've been offered X (overstate what salary they've offered you by 10%) with this kind of progression, I don't really want to leave as I like it here but this looks to be a great opportunity, what can you offer me".

This is good Rob. Emphasise you don't want to go elsewhere, but bear in mind you're being underpaid in your present position ( and you may be in the new one so it seems) according to National levels in your sector, so you'll soon find out if they value you.... For sure they'll have money to throw at you if they don't want to lose you.
Yeah, I will do what DW mentioned, see what they have to say and make my mind up after taking that info back to my boss.

I'm in a good position in the fact I don't need a new job, I am perfectly fine where I am, but this situation has made me think about where I want to go in a few years time, but any job offer has to be right for me, in more ways than just money.

Thanks for the advice guys.
Siggy - any good sites/agencies you can recommend?

After a couple of weeks off, it is clear I need something to occupy my time, but something flexible with home/field working might do the trick.

What industry are you thinking of? There are loads of specialist recruitment agencies out there - if you are on LinkedIn have a look around.

I was a sales engineer for a few years, it's fairly relaxed, but there are always targets to be met..
What industry are you thinking of? There are loads of specialist recruitment agencies out there - if you are on LinkedIn have a look around.

I was a sales engineer for a few years, it's fairly relaxed, but there are always targets to be met..

Hadn't even thought about it until Siggy mentioned it - would probably be interested in something niche, busy not manic, and a company with a progressive view on work-life balance (i.e. I can fit a few holes in after the working day!)
Hadn't even thought about it until Siggy mentioned it - would probably be interested in something niche, busy not manic, and a company with a progressive view on work-life balance (i.e. I can fit a few holes in after the working day!)

I work in the utility industry - there's quite a few sales jobs going in software solutions around this area at the moment, data analysis and interpretation and so on. Bit similar to what you are already doing, so might give you an in? Almost all sales jobs in this industry are work from home too.
Hello lads, I'm in a bit of a dilemma and I'd like to run my situation by you.
On the 12th of June I took part in my daughter's sports day, much against my better judgement and protestations that I really didn't want to take part in a 'Dad's Race', but at the 3rd attempt at coercion, I reluctantly lined up.
The race was on a little public football pitch behind the tiny school.
(Just as a side note, the 'Mum's race' went off 1st and one of the Mums fell over and gouged her forehead with her glasses as she fell.)
As we lined up on the goal line to race to the half way line, we set off and half way, I fell over and landed heavily on my left shoulder.
It turned out that the pitch was cut with one of these roller cutters towed behind a tractor. The grass was nice and level but there was a hidden depression in the ground unseen by both the woman who fell and me.
Now, I've been in serious pain for 2.5 months and am taking prescription painkillers - 8 a day. I have had to go private and have seen the consultant and a surgeon. Have had an Xray and an MRI Scan which showed a clear break in one of the 4 tendons that make up your rotator cuff.
The operation on the 15th of September will consist of cutting open the shoulder, discovering which of the 4 tendons is broken, putting a stitch in it and pulling it down as far as it can go to where it should be. It'll then be fixed in place and then I have to let it fix and grow and mend after which I'll have my arm in a sling for 6 weeks followed by 10 months of physio.
At the moment I can't lift my arm above my waist, forward or sideways. I can lift a 20kg bag of salt out of the boot of the car, but can't turn a light switch on. If I sit a bit crooked in the car seat, I can just reach 1st gear.
After the 15th, I'll be able to do none of that. Just my right hand only.
So that'll be around a year of varying degrees of pain and considerable inconvenience, limitations and restrictions. Then there's the considerable expense involved in going private. My health cover includes some but not all the outgoings that have been and will be involved. It covers the surgeon but not the physio... it certainly doesn't cover the surgeon's consultations at €150 a pop.

Dilemma is.... if I go for compensation, I risk alienating the little school to which Susie will be attending starting on the 4th. If I claim against the council, then in all likely hood, the school will not be allowed to use the pitch for any more communal events inc sports day.
It's a tiny little pre school. 2 classrooms, 6 teachers about 25 little kids...

Any advice lads?
Claim against the school
Claim against the council
Suck it up and do nothing.
Hello lads, I'm in a bit of a dilemma and I'd like to run my situation by you.
On the 12th of June I took part in my daughter's sports day, much against my better judgement and protestations that I really didn't want to take part in a 'Dad's Race', but at the 3rd attempt at coercion, I reluctantly lined up.
The race was on a little public football pitch behind the tiny school.
(Just as a side note, the 'Mum's race' went off 1st and one of the Mums fell over and gouged her forehead with her glasses as she fell.)
As we lined up on the goal line to race to the half way line, we set off and half way, I fell over and landed heavily on my left shoulder.
It turned out that the pitch was cut with one of these roller cutters towed behind a tractor. The grass was nice and level but there was a hidden depression in the ground unseen by both the woman who fell and me.
Now, I've been in serious pain for 2.5 months and am taking prescription painkillers - 8 a day. I have had to go private and have seen the consultant and a surgeon. Have had an Xray and an MRI Scan which showed a clear break in one of the 4 tendons that make up your rotator cuff.
The operation on the 15th of September will consist of cutting open the shoulder, discovering which of the 4 tendons is broken, putting a stitch in it and pulling it down as far as it can go to where it should be. It'll then be fixed in place and then I have to let it fix and grow and mend after which I'll have my arm in a sling for 6 weeks followed by 10 months of physio.
At the moment I can't lift my arm above my waist, forward or sideways. I can lift a 20kg bag of salt out of the boot of the car, but can't turn a light switch on. If I sit a bit crooked in the car seat, I can just reach 1st gear.
After the 15th, I'll be able to do none of that. Just my right hand only.
So that'll be around a year of varying degrees of pain and considerable inconvenience, limitations and restrictions. Then there's the considerable expense involved in going private. My health cover includes some but not all the outgoings that have been and will be involved. It covers the surgeon but not the physio... it certainly doesn't cover the surgeon's consultations at €150 a pop.

Dilemma is.... if I go for compensation, I risk alienating the little school to which Susie will be attending starting on the 4th. If I claim against the council, then in all likely hood, the school will not be allowed to use the pitch for any more communal events inc sports day.
It's a tiny little pre school. 2 classrooms, 6 teachers about 25 little kids...

Any advice lads?
Claim against the school
Claim against the council
Suck it up and do nothing.

Suck it up and do nothing and cut down on the amount of salt you put on your chips would be my advice. Accidents happen.
So leaving it a tad late...
Looking for flights back to the UK at Christmas again. Last year we booked directly with BA at a cost of $5500, any advice tips or half decent websites or any ideas on cheaper flights etc..
$5500????!!!! Maybe don't hire a private jet this time?
Skyscanner is usually a good place to start for looking for flights, then check the flights identified on the operators own page.
Don't know where you are flying from but Norwegian Air are pretty cheap and fly USA to UK.
I've had £45 go out of my bank and the description is iTunes. Does anyone know how I can find out what it is for?
You should have an email for the purchase made via iTunes