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Southampton v Wolves, January 18,2020

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We’ve been fairly pppr but we’ve also been unlucky IMO. Neither of those were great chances before very good finishes. Our confidence looks hit, and concerned about Raul and Doc. First touches have been very poor.

When we’ve beaten their initial press we’ve actually opened them up, just not made the most of it. And Raul’s chance was a killer just before their second

Definitely worried they could get us on the break in this second half
Things aren't looking good.

Cant watch, are we still looking tired and unable to create anything going forward?
Donk still shouldn't be in defense. He's better with the ball than Bennett but he's clumsy and he loses his man on a regular basis. As much as I love Nuno I'm struggling to understand his persistence with it.

We are pretty desperate for the return of Willy Boly.
So what should we do? What do you think the solution is? Instead of always complaining and moaning why not start a discussion about how we could improve? It’ll make your life better.

Give it a rest, mate.

Because a comment isn’t sunshine and daisies, it doesn’t automatically mean it’s “moaning”. I’m happy for you to point out what was wrong about my post and then we can have that discussion you’re desperately after.

And Paddy - literally not smug at all. I can appreciate when we are playing well and also when we are not. Today we are not.
Now certain myopic myths have been completely dispensed with that god awful shower of shit perhaps some reality can be debated on the transfer thread.

Thank god we have some rest time coming
Well that half was about as bad as it could have been.
Back 3 just aren’t picking up the runners, Traore just needs to stand up the guy is going nowhere instead gives away a free kick that leads to the goal.
Being overrun in midfield, ball retention again is awful.
As said nobody on the bench to make a difference so players knowing they’ll always start no matter what.
As long as they don’t score seven they can’t go above us today

Every cloud and all that
So many contributing factors to this shitshow from a team WE KNOW can play well but....
Doherty is gone, he gets forward and makes zero attempt to get back.
Jiminez is tired but i wish to fuck he would get his head up and look around him when he recieves the ball.
Neto has ran his legs off for me but will obvisouly tire.
Joao needs a rest big time.
Traore looked better on the left.
Im not seeing the Donk moaning on the 2nd,i think every other defender we have would have just shadowed the same way... That sort of ball rarely gets intercepted unless theres a penalty.
First goal I thought was a bit lucky -- could have been tighter to the goalscorer, but they were following the ball which was deflected late. Second was appalling, and they had a couple of decent missed chances as well. It's hard to drop Traor'e as he's the guy that can make things happen from nothing but I would think about putting MGW on and trying to get both more of the ball in midfield, and a bit of help up to Jimenez. Also potentially a game to give Jordao a run out in if (a) all is lost or (b) nothing else is working.
Okay, let's be radical - Doc off.

Kilman into defence. Donk pushed into midfield.

Neves pushed further forward.
Gotta change the shape for this half surely? Gibbs White to come on in midfield and sacrifice Doc, Traore to WB?
Its shocking.

Defensively all over the place
Neves and Moutinho have been over ran and no crisp passing
Wide Neto has been our best player
Up top jiminez has been awful
Im not seeing the Donk moaning on the 2nd,i think every other defender we have would have just shadowed the same way... That sort of ball rarely gets intercepted unless theres a penalty.

Can’t agree with that mate, defender has to get a challenge in
God that was shit. We look so fucking tired and completely deflated. It was obvious after the shocking Summer window that the fact we've only got 13 Premier League standard footballers was going to catch up with us. We can't cope with the press, our passing's off, there's very little movement off the ball, it's just terrible. We desperately need 2-3 players capable of making a difference
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