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Shrewsbury (A) FA cup 4th round build up

What?! :icon_lol:

“Good play from Traore”.

There was nothing wrong with his cross, it’s just Costa is never going to get on the end of it. Stop reading too much in to peoples comments, mate.
Adversely, if a cross is to no-one and no-one is likely to get on the end of it, it's ultimately not a good cross.
Absolutely desperate half an hour. Front two does not work at all. Real blind spot for Nuno this is.
It isn't - we are trying to rest the big boys up front. Traore should melt a league defence if he wants a career with us.

EDIT - and in response to Tredders, the same thing applies to Helder Costa.
Costa has been abysmal. So, so lightweight.

Let’s get Cav on.
We haven't given Traore much to work with either.
Conversely, that was a shitty cross from Doc that gave Donck no chance.

MGW struggling to get into the game atm.
Sloppy stuff all over the pitch so far. Come on chaps. We need to beat these cunts.
Proper 3/10 stuff from everyone but Doc and Saïss.
Some better play there. We need to speed up our passing and let our better quality show.
Terrible match, so far. Appreciate conditions aren’t ideal and the pitch doesn’t look great - but we’re not even trying to pass it around. We’ve just resorted to hoofing it long in the vague direction of Adama. Costa has offered nothing. Even the likes of Neves & Donk have been quiet.

Proper turgid stuff. Get Cav or Raul on and we’ll win easily.
Doc has been our best player. Got both forward and defended well. Or better than everyone else any way.
Would think about Cav for MGW and go 3-4-3. System doesn't appear to be working at all as neither Costa nor Traore look like they can or want to play in a 2.

Alternatively just say F it and go Raul on alongside Cav and Moutinho in behind. I don't want Raul or Mou on but we just need to get this done with and put away today.
Well this isnt very good is it.....but in some ways its what I expected. Its going to be scrappy but some of our players need to toughen up a little bit. Expect much better 2nd half!!