Again the figures are open to debate. Tell me yours. My intention is to take all people out of poverty and give them a reasonable standard of living.
I like the idea of a better, fairer system, but I don't think just giving people cash to spend as they wish is the way forward, especially not £30k which I think would cripple industry and the economy.
I don't know how feasible the plan would be, but my idea would be something along the lines of the following....
Build new social housing to ensure everyone has somewhere to live
Social housing is given to people who cannot afford to rent or buy, rather than paying housing benefits.
People that then rent privately or have a mortgage are given a nominal re-imbursement from the government.
All water, gas and electricity costs are picked up by the government.
Everyone receives a set figure (£35 per week, for example) toward buying food.
By doing this we can remove JSA, housing benefits, pensions etc. The incentive to work is still there because you will know, if I choose not to work, I get £35 per week. People who cannot find work will know they have the basics of a home, water, electricity, warmth and food.
There would still need to be some form of disability allowance for people who are physically unable to work.
Obviously the biggest cost will be building new social housing, and we would need to ensure that this is then not sold off down the line.