Corbyn doesn't want his cake and even if he got it he wouldn't be able to eat it.
Other end of the spectrum?
She’s a lot closer to Corbyn than she is to say Johnson.
In the corbynite spectrum anyone not 100% agreeing with the dear leader is a fascist.
What's this?In the corbynite spectrum anyone not 100% agreeing with the dear leader is a fascist.
Good grief. The power of mass media is truly a thing to behold.
A) does being left wing make him fascist? (On a week where Boris has kicked out his MPs for disagreeing him no less)Of course it's the media and not our own eyes that are telling us Corbyn is left wing.
A) does being left wing make him fascist? (On a week where Boris has kicked out his MPs for disagreeing him no less)
B) why is being "left wing" (his policies are centre/centre left) so scary to you?
A) Who called Corbyn fascist?
B) Who is scared of policies?
Of course if you're asking why I don't agree with the left wing policies above then we can have that conversation. In my experience people that blindly follow Corbyn/ members of momentum rarely want to discuss anything and are no different to Brexit Party members in their dogmatic belief in something that in practice is unworkable.