The interesting thing about voting patterns is that the very old (i.e old enough to remember WW2) tended to vote remain, presumably due to seeing the peace dividend. It was those in the 40-70 range that came out strongly in favour of leaving.
Topcoates, Malaga
Once again, EU dictating to us. Tell them to shove it! WE will decide the terms of our brexit, not EU. And Madrid? Hahhaha... nothing to do with them. Gib is UK. Always will be.
As I've said I understand your idea, just cannot see how it would ever be put into practice.
Enjoy the wine, one more hour of work and I can crack on with a beer
HMRC expecting a 5-fold increase in customs checks post brexit.
HMRC expecting a 5-fold increase in customs checks post brexit.
Chairman Alan
Theres no debate
Greek wine, though, Cyber? I'm all for European integration, but there's no excuse for that.
No, it benefits the UK as well:
Brilliant! I love a decent port but Greek sweet red wine is a nice alternative lol
Isn't it just a stain if it's dry?Sorry, but red wine must be dry.
Isn't it just a stain if it's dry?
From the poster who dismissed those who oppose his views as being 'loonie left'.
Yes vis I get that. Its not in dispute. I agree with regard to France Germany Denmark Sweden Italy even. But the disparity in numbers from eastern Europe coming here in comparison to Brits going there proves the point that freedom of movement was not designed for the uses it is currently being put. The potential to exploit eastern European workers because even our minimum wage is two or three times their average wage means there is little benifit for Brits to trake those roles and every benefit to them. The expansion of the EU post 1992 was, I repeat, too much too soon and will ultimately be its downfall.