Surely you don't actually believe that do you?
I get that you are looking to score points in an online argument, but deep down, when you think about what Britain will be like in 5 years, do you honestly believe that a hard Brexit without an open, well thought out plan will be good for the U.K?
Why do you think that all those countries who are part of a trading bloc will not look at Britain and think how they can start shafting you up the arse, because Britain needs them more than they need Britain (unless you are happy to start importing wine from Romania)
Genuine question.
The problem with this argument is that either side can give reasons to the other side why they are right.
But that's all they are, opinions. How can anyone really know how things will turn out ?
Before the result of the Referendum, could anyone give any guarantees ?
Yes there were loads of promises and scaremongering and lies on both sides, just like in any General Election.
Now we just seem to be in the realms of tit for tat point scoring on what may or may not happen post Brexit ?
For example, in 2016 our Trading deficit with the EU was around £ 80 Billion ?
Some Leavers will ask, why would the EU make life difficult for us given they amount of goods we buy from the EU.
Some Remainers will say the EU wouldn't miss £80 Billion, as it's mere pin prick on the Trillions of pounds of trade ?
So when we vote, are we voting on certainty or probability ?
Is it reasonable to assume that in 3 - 5 years, after lots of gesture politics, bullying, bullsh*t, oneupmanship, put-downs and some sensible negotiations, with the fifth biggest economy in the world, that we will have better control of our borders, more control over the numbers that comes in, and we are trading in a very similar way to the way we are trading now.
Why would Germany or France want to make it more difficult for us to buy their cars ?
Some on here seem to suggest that the EU will be a closed shop. That we wont be able to afford to buy any of their goods and that the UK will 'close down'.
To say that those EU countries will be 'shafting us up the arse' is the politics of the playground. In any event I cannot imagine a scenario how that could happen.
But, as I say, no-one can know for sure. Some say the EU is crumbling. Is that true ?