Fifth largest economy in the world by GDP, we should be doing everything we can to help vulnerable and disadvantaged people, home and abroad.
We don't of course. Tory economics. They can't contribute so $#@! them.
But did we under labour? The media is full of articles over the last 3 or 4 years that part of the 12 or 13 billion, thats right BILLION foreign aid budget has been given to countries who dont need or deserve it. Well thats just crass mismanagement of funds, regardless of government. I too struggle when there are homeless British born people who have fallen on hard times who dont get the leg up yet we still send the money overseas. Russia, yes the country with more oil billionaires than any other, is one of the countries that we sent aid to I believe. How can that possibly be right? Did we negotiate for lower energy prices in return then? Cause I dont remember anytime that my leccy bill got a rebate. The UK spent $19bn on foreign aid in 2013 , compared to $16bn from Germany and $10bn from France.In 2013, the UK joined a select group of countries that had reached the target of donating 0.7% of their national income on foreign aid. Of the 29 members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), only Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Luxembourg spent more than 0.7% of their national income in foreign aid in 2013. That same year, the UK’s spending grew by 27.8% to hit the international target, spending £11.4bn – about £180 per person – on aid. The latest figures for 2014 show donor money has increased further, with the UK spending 0.71% of its gross domestic income (GDI) on foreign aid- source for these figures- the Guardian- articvle here for more depth
So in answer to my question the tories are giving more of their GDP as foreign aid than Labour did when they were in power. Again this highlights my point that for the last 30 years or more , probably longer, politics has been purely about getting in and staying there rather than pursuing policies that are beneficial for humanity in general.
An 'inbetweener' is one definition of generation x. Seems about right in your case.
I'm a person first and British second, we should help people in general, not just British people.
Then that should be a choice for people.An additional tax code to raise £180 per year, the current level and see how many people actually sign up for it. You would, I fear be in a very very small minority. While on this game is there was a code for that amount and you could choose where it went- health, homeless UK,Foreign aid I reckon the former 2 would get about 95% of the voluntary donations but the amount donated would be a fraction of what goes in foreign aid at present. I would sign up for it if it went to help the genuinely homeless especially ex forces.
If we have issues with funding things in the UK then surely we must cut our cloth to suit. I know no person in their right mind who would do the following example. I have spent my money and I have just enough food to feed my family. My next door neighbour also has no money and the same amount of food but as I am required to help him I give him my food and go without. Ok that is extreme but we cannot have it both ways.