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Just raise taxes on the 53%. They want it, they pay for it.

And, in the interest of fairness, if we actually come out ahead they can divvy up the profit. Given their confidence they should bite our hands off, right?
A good idea. Let the Brexiteers underwrite the risk. If they are so confident in the outcome then it shouldn't be a problem.
Just raise taxes on the 53%. They want it, they pay for it.

And, in the interest of fairness, if we actually come out ahead they can divvy up the profit. Given their confidence they should bite our hands off, right?

I suppose that based on that, whenever a chancellor delivers the budget, only those who voted for that particular party should pay any tax increases. A novel idea, but I am not sure that it will catch on.
Why not? I've always been happy to pay tax increases based on labour policies being enacted, why should I have to pay because Dave and friends decided to destroy our economy*

*Obviously conservatives are running our economy well, the daily mail says so.
The Express are peddling an outright lie today:

(large image)

Thats going to go down well in MailLand.

$1.5tn (£1.2tn) has been wiped of household wealth since Brexit.

Spokeswoman Sally Copley said: “The wealthiest one percent of the population - who own nearly a quarter of all the country’s wealth – continue to do well whilst so many people in Britain are just about managing to stay above the poverty line.

“Tomorrow’s autumn statement presents a real opportunity for the government to show how they are going to make the economy work for everyone and not just those at the very top,” she said.

Lets see how that goes...
One interesting point is the change to the amount of money protected should your bank or building society go pop.

The sterling amount is set to be raised. This will involve all banks updating their paperwork and sending it to customers to inform them of the change. Not a small undertaking, and only done if the change is likely to be permanent or long term.

The reason? The relevant legislation asks that protection up to 100, 000 Euro or the equivalent in local currency be offered. We have always done this in sterling. And now the amount has to change. If you ever wanted proof that the government and treasury believe the devaluation of sterling against the Euro from Brexit is a permanent or long-term one, then I can't think of a better example.
The reason? The relevant legislation asks that protection up to 100, 000 Euro or the equivalent in local currency be offered. We have always done this in sterling. And now the amount has to change. If you ever wanted proof that the government and treasury believe the devaluation of sterling against the Euro from Brexit is a permanent or long-term one, then I can't think of a better example.

It's at the same level as it was 2013, so not really sure how that is a valid argument, especially as the rate was lower when the legislation was brought in.

I think I also heard somewhere that UK banks won't need to reserve as much when we come out of the EU.
Hewden Stuart gone into administration. Their reason being Brexit.