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Paul Lambert Leaves Wolves

Been out most of the day - this club doesn't do things by halves

Lambert should be big enough to have a couple of Mendes selections in, even if one will be as a favour & not used as the other is likely to be better than anything else we might sign. No doubt there would still be sufficient money available for the 'local' talent that he wanted (particularly if Costa was off for a mega fee, which is the only one we should accept).

Sounds as if he wanted total control which was not going to happen.
Knock me back if you wish, but Id love Paul Cook here. But would he also want full control. It seems if we are going down the Mendes route if Lambert is sacked, then it will be a foreign manager...

Apparently Cook is not happy at the prospect of the new owner potentially bringing in a DoF so doubt that would be a starter.
Today is the first time I've felt a bit twitchy about Fosun / Mendes. Having an agent having the final say on transfers is a huge conflict of interest in my view.

It also has shades of Venkys/Portsmouth about it, I'm not saying that we're in anywhere near the same situation but it does feel like our owners are being advised by people with vested interests.

A DoF should be where this advice should come from, I'm not sure Thelwell is really the man for the job. I wonder if Wenger would fancy it? Lol.
There needs to be a bit of compromise and give/take between the owners and the head coach. I do feel that the coach should have final say on transfers but I also don't think it's unreasonable for them to say no to players he suggests if they don't think they are good enough.

This needs sorting asap otherwise we'll have an identical shitstorm of a season as this year.
I've never liked managers airing the club's dirty laundry or voicing what should be private concerns in public. Redknapp does it all the time and I think he's a fucking prick for it, McGhee, Lee, DJ and Hoddle all did it at times with us too and I didn't support them when they did it. Mick didn't come out brilliantly over the South Korea thing either although that's a slightly different issue.

It paints totally the wrong picture for the club. It can only do harm in the long run, players don't want to join clubs where the manager is at odds with the board. The only person it can benefit is the manager if he wins the battle and that only helps him personally out. I don't care enough about Paul Lambert either way to *want* him to win out over Mendes/Shi/whoever.
All sounds odd - the agent choosing ALL signings? But maybe it's us being too English, is this how continental clubs operate?

Oh well no one ever says supporting Wolves is dull!
All sounds odd - the agent choosing ALL signings? But maybe it's us being too English, is this how continental clubs operate?

Oh well no one ever says supporting Wolves is dull!

Has it actually been said anywhere that Mendes will have the final say on ALL signings?
I've never liked managers airing the club's dirty laundry or voicing what should be private concerns in public. Redknapp does it all the time and I think he's a fucking prick for it, McGhee, Lee, DJ and Hoddle all did it at times with us too and I didn't support them when they did it. Mick didn't come out brilliantly over the South Korea thing either although that's a slightly different issue.

It paints totally the wrong picture for the club. It can only do harm in the long run, players don't want to join clubs where the manager is at odds with the board. The only person it can benefit is the manager if he wins the battle and that only helps him personally out. I don't care enough about Paul Lambert either way to *want* him to win out over Mendes/Shi/whoever.

This is it in a nutshell - if Lambert has a problem with the way things are being done then he needs to argue his case with the board & not splash it all over the press so as to get good press when/if he walks.

There are times when those employing you have a different opinion on how to approach a problem, you argue your case & try to win the argument. There will no doubt be 'red lines' that you won't cross and would rather walk in that case, but don't air your dirty washing in public.
Has any of this information come from a reputable source?
Murphy and Percy are both long in the tooth journalists with relationships with Lambert, it's reputable in as much as its come straight from the manager, how accurate it is is debatable
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In seriousness, Alan, some context for you: the Telegraph used to be a fairly good newspaper. Has always leant to the right (the stereotype is that its core readership is "retired colonels in the suburbs", so a generally older, upper-middle class, traditionalist audience), but like most good broadsheets with a political bias, if you know it's there, you can accept and correct for it in assessing its reports.

That said, over the last half decade or so, as the Mail has become more and more explicitly a tabloid of the right and far-right, the Telegraph has similarly drifted further to the (populist) right with some of its stances to fill the gap in the market left behind. Its owners are a pair of billionaire brothers who live as tax exiles in the Channel Islands - specifically on the island of Sark, where feudalism was only abolished in 2008 (!) - and under their ownership the paper has been criticised for a number of ethically dubious editorial decisions, which have included allowing advertisers to suppress unfavourable stories and to publish stories planted by the Russian government. They'll publish, or not publish, anything as long as you pay them enough under the table, essentially. (And, speaking as someone in the industry, it now has the worst reputation by far on Fleet Street as a place to work of the major papers - upper management have driven employee morale into the ground by forcing their good print writers to also chase views online with clickbait crap, and there's a really intense culture of workplace bullying and sexism, which is why they have such a high staff turnover rate. But I digress.)

This is all their front-of-the-paper stuff, though. For the sports pages, they're basically the same as the other British broadsheets. They'll run stuff with more seriousness and sourcing to it than tabloids like the Sun or Mail or Mirror will, but it's still British football journalism - it's a shady industry being covered by people who are both enthusiasts for the sport and often compromised by direct friendships with some of the people they're meant to be covering, so they get tips on stuff happening, but the deeper meta-story - cui bono, essentially - is often an issue. That's very clearly the case here, for example, so while the specifics in the piece *might* be true, what we can only really say is that someone's used their connections to plant a story to make Fosun look bad in the British press, and the most likely candidate is Lambert, or someone close to Lambert.
They live on Brecqhou, which is just west of Sark. Same feudal system though.
The Daily Express is also reporting that Lambert is ready to walk.