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Lettuce Liz then Tetchy Rish! and the battle to replace him

I agree with all you say here but let's not forget Children in Need has been raising money for 42 years because we haven't been able to provide basic needs for our vulnerable children.
Only time child poverty has gone down in those years is 97 to 2012.

I mean people on here love to be all clever and say ‘correlation ≠ causation’ but..

They don’t care 🤷🏻‍♂️
Unfortunately so, I'm afraid whatever the majority of people say, they only really care about number 1, guess its human nature. I'm really naive at times, keep hoping that the human race will eventually sort itself out. My kids generation will probably improve things, certainly my kids and their mates all have a social conscience.
New guy, just like the old guy

Release big story. Get pilloried by the rwp. Bugger off to see Zelensky
Unfortunately so, I'm afraid whatever the majority of people say, they only really care about number 1, guess its human nature. I'm really naive at times, keep hoping that the human race will eventually sort itself out. My kids generation will probably improve things, certainly my kids and their mates all have a social conscience.
We hope for things like this, but in the 1980's the kids were all about green issues & environmental issues. The hole in the ozone layer was massive. At the time if that had transmitted to votes of adults the green party would landslide every election. What happened to those kids?
We hope for things like this, but in the 1980's the kids were all about green issues & environmental issues. The hole in the ozone layer was massive. At the time if that had transmitted to votes of adults the green party would landslide every election. What happened to those kids?
Unfortunately people tend to get more cynical and more avaricious as they get older I think. I think we are a similar generation and in my memory lots of teenagers and 20somethings were left leaning and had a social conscience, by the time they were in their 30s many had changed.
Certainly my 30-40 year old kids are still politically sympathetic to minorities and the less well off. I'm hoping it's a trend that will continue, albeit its a slow process.
We hope for things like this, but in the 1980's the kids were all about green issues & environmental issues. The hole in the ozone layer was massive. At the time if that had transmitted to votes of adults the green party would landslide every election. What happened to those kids?
im still here, and still fucking angry about the damage we are doing, trying my best to live a low carbon lifestyle, cycling, public transport, locally shopping, local produced food if I can, all the other stuff as well.

At some point you’d think politicians and other people in power would realise that shit, this is the only place in the universe with life on it, we’re wrecking it, and once it’s fucked that’s it, nowhere else to go, let’s stop wrecking it now, this minute.

Instead we keep going on that we can’t do anything because it’s inconvenient, too costly people don’t want to have their lives disrupted, it’s going to get disruptive when water and food get scarce, and just because your kids go to a private school and you drive a bmw and live in a big house, you’ll be out having to fight over scraps with the rest of us, your money will be worth nothing.

Climate deniers really wind me up, with the oh it’s only weather, earths heated up before and it was ok, the forecasters can’t get next week right, so how do they know what’s happening in 30 years?
It’s November, I’m still going outside in shorts, T shirts and a thin fleece, roses in the garden are starting to bud again, and I saw a butterfly earlier in fucking November! Surely that’s a worry?

I’ll put the soapbox away now.
Make a sentence from. Bank, the, run, a, on.

And then watch inflation utterly skyrocket as the economy collapses.
Make a sentence from. Bank, the, run, a, on.

And then watch inflation utterly skyrocket as the economy collapses.
The BoE is the bank that underpins all the others. You won't get a run because it can always satisfy requests for payment. That's why gilts are such a desirable investment - low risk. Why? Because the BoE is literally a magic money tree.
That’s for the birds. It’s low risk because it is assumed beyond collapse. If it starts being asked to fork out vast sums it will spook every other bank that depends on them as the safety net of last resort
And then the economy collapses.
That’s for the birds. It’s low risk because it is assumed beyond collapse. If it starts being asked to fork out vast sums it will spook every other bank that depends on them as the safety net of last resort
And then the economy collapses.
The size of the sums are irrelevant as they're simply digits entered onto a spreadsheet. BoE has created huge sums in the recent past to prop up our economic system. Only change I'd like to see is that money going into infrastructure and the real economy rather than banks.
Seriously? The entire global economy is based on balances. An important part of those balances is the intention to pay back. If it’s government borrows enormous sums from the BoE with no intention of paying back its credit rating will be enormously damaged. This will effect the value of gilts as they will be viewed as a less safe haven if the government has defaulted on other borrowing.

The overall value of sterling on the planet is in balance with the overall value of other currencies on the planet. You suddenly ask BoE to print hundreds and hundreds of billions to have as the government party pot, then the balance is upset. To avoid this, the value of Sterling against every other currency falls. So your pound now buys you less.

In addition the value of every single company quoted on the London stock exchange falls by the equivalent of the collapse of sterling. These companies aren’t going to actually be very happy about that and neither are all the funds invested in them. So share prices have to actually go up to redress the balance. So your sterling buys you even less.

And as the pound falls the cost of everything in the shops rises. To try and avoid starvation wages have to rise. Causing a further massive inflationary pressure.

Next stop wheelbarrow of notes to buy an egg.