Economically they are an extreme right wing party. Just slightly to the right of Thatcher.
I have always thought that an extreme right wing party, is a fascist party. I would say that the Tory party are a neoliberal party. A neo liberal party, is the opposite of a fascist party. Fascism is directly opposed to globalisation and neoliberalism.
I think this Tory party puts money before state, it doesn't care about it's citizens, but cares about money. It puts money before the interests of the nation. This Tory goverment wants more people, more houses, more immigration, to sell more products. More means, more money for the neoliberals. It also means a lowering of the living standards, lower wages, worse work conditions, more crime, higher house prices, an ineffective police force because of cuts to their budget. the British police only this week said that were not going to be able to go to all burglary scenes. Cuts also for the poor , the weak, the disabled and unfortunate of society. Neoliberalism running wild. OK if you are a house builder, you own a supermarket, or a petrol station. Not too good for the man in the street.
To me, neoliberalism or globalisation has nothing to do with fascism. Fascism is the extreme right.
Fascim is populist ultranationalism, anti-liberal, built on a anti-conservative nationalism. Nationalism is the main foundation of fascism. The fascist view of a nation is of a single organic entity that binds people together by their ancestry, and is a natural unifying force of people. Fascism promotes the establishment of a totalitarian state. All of the above are the opposite of a neoliberal, gloalisation loving Tory party.
Of course, Fascism and neoliberalism are both wicked, but too me fascism is the extreme right wing.