As the campaign page for Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party, we have accepted the responsibility to adhere to Jeremy’s call for a new kind of politics, that engages in serious debate rather than personal attacks. We intend to stick to that, not simply out of loyalty to Jeremy, but because over the summer, it became patently obvious that this is what the overwhelming majority of the party members and supporters want. Debate is good, as is opinion, however strongly …held. But it must be respectful, comradely – and never descend into abuse.
So we didn’t really want to engage in this. At all. But here’s the thing. For too long, the voice of party members has been silenced. That stopped the day Jeremy Corbyn was elected. As he said throughout the campaign, this was not about a man, it was about a movement. So we say this to express what we believe is the view of the vast majority of Labour Party members. We say this to give them a voice.
What we have seen from a small section of the Parliamentary Party and some New Labour “grandees” recently isn’t opinion and it’s not about debate. It is a constant sniping, undermining and, at times, bitter attack. It’s designed to create an atmosphere of chaos. We are here to tell you that we’re sick of it. Not only is it now boring, but it is entirely destructive instead of constructive.
Of course, it’s just a tiny minority of the Parliamentary party who have chosen to indulge in such attacks, but they are a loud minority. The reason that they are so loud is because they have the ear of the rightwing and tabloid press: those journalists and commentators who have no interest in the future of the Labour Party or the views of the membership. It’s easy to get a column inch or two in those rags. You are doing them a service. However, you are doing the membership of this party a massive disservice – the membership who voted not just for Jeremy himself, but the policies he stood for. It’s time to acknowledge that, and work for the common good. That means targeting the Tories, not our leader. That means targeting poverty and injustice, not the members of the party.
That’s why we respectfully ask you to stop the off-the-record briefing, the on-the-record attacks and the machinations behind the scenes. Do your job and represent us.