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IMPORTANT: Site future


Staff member
Oct 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

Obviously for a few months now there has been issues with the web hosting for TWF being not good enough, and I've been looking at various options. However, things have been brought into sharp focus after I received an email from them yesterday. In short, the hosting package that TWF is currently on is being discontinued, so a decision needs to be made. And fairly quickly - 30 days from now is the deadline for some kind of action.

But when thinking about this, theres another aspect. to consider. Since setting up TWF many years ago, Ive been able to keep abreast of whats going on, keep the site (fairly) updated etc. But for the last couple of years I haven't been able to spend anywhere near as much time as I'd like, due to work commitments, family life etc. All that grown up stuff.

So this seems like an opportune time to take stock. In an ideal world I would like to handover the reigns to someone (or a group) who can give the site and the community the time it deserves - I've had plenty of ideas that I simply haven't had the bandwidth to explore, and this might be easier with a wider group.

If not, I've got two options - migrate the hosting, probably to the same company but a better package, or watch the site disappear into the digital afterlife...

So I'd like peoples thoughts. Serious proposals only please - running the site is a fairly technical endeavour, so if anyone wants to take it over they'd need to have at least some relevant experience (or being able to call on someone who does).

Also, I wouldn't be keen on handing things over to a completely random member - a certain amount of 'being well known' would help mitigate worries around the site ending up in the hands of someone who wouldn't have the interests of the users at heart.

Speaking personally I'd like to remain involved in some capacity, albeit no longer being responsible for the infrastructure aspects etc. Not a deal breaker though.

Thoughts? Also more than happy to have more private chats via PM.

Surely a group has to be the best idea, to devote the time and know how required, but please don't talk of closing it, I have nowhere else to go !
I'd be devastated to see the site close. I don't have the technical know how to offer my support that way, but if you needed a numpty to press a few buttons every now and then I'd be delighted to help.
I’d be happy to step in from a press relevant buttons when required and also contribute from a financial perspective.

Happy to form part of a consortium if you can find a former player/big name to front it.


Thanks for all you’ve done to allow us this platform Vis. It has enhanced my Wolves supporting life for the better.
Certainly happy to chip in towards running costs.
I have nil IT expertise to offer, but happy to contribute financially.
Seems like a gofundme type arrangement for costs + admin committee to run the day to day would work?

Hopefully keep Vis as a consultant.
The running costs arent that much really - its more about having the technical knowhow to run the site - or potentially paying a bit more for a more fully managed solution where somebody else does it.
About 50 quid a year for the hosting.

The forum software license should really be renewed so we can get software patches as well - thats another 55 dollars per year.
XenForo do do a fully hosted package where they run the software do the hosting, supply tech support etc, but the basic package is 60 dollars *per month*.
But to reemphasise - this isnt really about the money - its about someone having the time to invest in the site, keep it ticking over etc, and, ideally, actually take it forwards to expand our userbase and fulfil its potential.
If we have for the sake of argument 25 committed posters that's about £2 a month, I'd imagine most would pay that, with an understanding it's an foc platform for most. As a none Wolves fan Mark needs to be a fiver a month with emojis unlocked for another fiver
I'd certainly be willing to be involved and help out. Not sure I have too much technical skills, but have basic knowledge.
As a technical luddite, I can offer very little, but moving forward, would of course like to help anyone in any way shape or form, believe me, I owe it to all of you.
If we have for the sake of argument 25 committed posters that's about £2 a month, I'd imagine most would pay that, with an understanding it's an foc platform for most. As a none Wolves fan Mark needs to be a fiver a month with emojis unlocked for another fiver
I know less than nothing on the tech side of it, but like others am happy to help financially if needed