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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

So you didn't hear it? I'd have thought you'd have got yourself in front of the wireless with the rest of the family and listened to that good old pint drinking, gravel voiced public school boy in a jolly debate about those nasty forin types invading our sweet aging land and raping and pillaging like the vikings from a few years ago.

But surely the real issue is economic migrants coming to work for low pay when we have more than a few already here unemployed. That is what concerns people, it's isn't xenophobia, it isn't racism it is a real concern. All I hear is that it isn't a burden on the state or that the tax avoiders should be be chased. That wouldn't actually solve the underlying concern of the few million who need help to get into work does it. Why do real issues always get sidetracked?
Yeah, rape and pillage, just your standard night out.

What I don't get with the insular UKIP mindset is that you're effectively stymying upward social mobility based on birth. So erm, feudalism. What a great system that is.
YouGov did a poll right after and Farage won that too. It means nothing though. Jeremy Clarkson could have made crass observations and inaccurate generalisations about the EU. It doesn't make him electable. Richard Littlejohn has legions of people nodding along with what he writes, it doesn't make it any more valid.

You will always find a way to belittle UKIP, no matter how popular they become or how well they perform in the Euro Elections in May. The result of ANY poll would be meaningless to you unless it satisfied your own warped opinions.

Last time round in the West Midlands, UKIP received over 300,000 votes and beat Labour into second place. Do you think that margin will be bigger this time ?

Sorry Che, looks like your mates in The Socialist Labour Party didn't do too well.

Farage won the debate hands down IMO. But that wouldn't be difficult against a nobody like Clegg. No surprise Dave and Red Ed didn't want to take part.
Spot on with the 'Blood on Europe's hands' remark I thought. The West (and Western media) have been stirring things in Ukraine for a long time.
You will always find a way to belittle UKIP, no matter how popular they become or how well they perform in the Euro Elections in May. The result of ANY poll would be meaningless to you unless it satisfied your own warped opinions.

Last time round in the West Midlands, UKIP received over 300,000 votes and beat Labour into second place. Do you think that margin will be bigger this time ?

Sorry Che, looks like your mates in The Socialist Labour Party didn't do too well.


Any chance you could debate without descending into juvenile name calling? I don't recall calling you "Racist Ron" or similar, which is the same level that you're descending to there.
Any chance you could debate without descending into juvenile name calling? I don't recall calling you "Racist Ron" or similar, which is the same level that you're descending to there.

DW, you may as well ask me to give up cypro!! ha ha
I'm still not sure how many votes this bigoted little party won, can somebody please tell me.

Papper, I agree with you but the problems are of our own making not of Europe's. If there were no jobs here for foreigners (not immigrants) to take there would be no immigration. That's just not practical or real. There will always be human rubbish that selfishly do not want to contribute to society much as there will be people that are not happy with resting on their laurels. I would say a lot of immigration is the latter rather than the former and want a better life. I'm not sure they know when they get here that it isn't a bed of roses.
Deutsch Wolf.............Debate you say ? You don't really want to debate our membership of the EU do you ?

I posted a link earlier giving details of the 300,000 people who voted for UKIP in the West Midlands area in the last Euro Election, beating Labour into second place. Here it is again, just in case you all missed it.


Not an inconsiderable amount of people. You know that number will increase dramatically in May, but people like you and 'the usual suspects'.......

Johnny 75
The saturday boy
So long architect

......have never addressed those numbers or even wanted to contemplate that there are many people out there that do NOT share your opinion. Are they all Racist Bigots ? Like the way Gordon Brown described a life-long Labour Party member, during the run up to the last General Election, for daring to express her concerns over Immigration.

Farage admits he was wrong on the amount of people who can come to the UK if they want to. It’s not the 29 Million from Romania and Bulgaria, it’s from over 480 Million people across Europe that can come here if they wish to and we have no control over the amount of people that want to come here.

The only reason why we are having radio debates (which I am watching now on You Tube) and TV debates on our Membership of the EU is BECAUSE of UKIP.

Farage doesn't give us text book economic sermons like the saturday boy, he doesn't live thousands of miles away, oblivious to what’s going on in the UK, like people like pavlovsmacwolf, he talks in a simple language that resonates with people who live and work in England and the UK, who have genuine concerns about the detrimental and negative effect that EU membership is having on their everyday lives in their neighbourhoods, streets, towns, cities, Schools, the NHS, Housing.

On the LBC radio debate, Clegg is being completely out-thought and outclassed by Farage.
For Deutsch Wolf to say that Farage comes across as a "blundering, populist loon" defies belief.
Have you actually watched it yourself or are you just seeing things through your rose-tinted Europhile spectacles as usual ?
If your opinion is shared by so many why is thread all about you vs everyone else. When it comes to the crunch of a general election UKIP just won't get that many votes.
If your opinion is shared by so many why is thread all about you vs everyone else. When it comes to the crunch of a general election UKIP just won't get that many votes.

Well if you look at the numbers who voted for UKIP in the West Midlands the last time round in the Euro Elections in 2009, that ratio of support for UKIP is not really represented on this particular forum. Maybe it's because there are people on these boards that would consider voting for UKIP, but prefer to stay silent on the subject. The 300,000 Midlanders who voted for them last time round is hardly a tiny minority is it ??
I will admit to being a conservative (with a small c) & UKIP have been the only party who are canvassing around here for the Euro elections (but that is as much a result of the Conservatives not considering that they need to given the past voting preferences in this part of the world & the other parties knowing that they have little chance).

Regrettably, despite a fair time on the doorstep with one of the prospective UKIP candidates he had very little to say apart from the fact that we need to leave Europe & was unable to debate on any other subject.

The European issue is an important one, but not the only topic that needs addressing.

Interestingly we are not alone in being worried about 'mass movement of people around Europe' & the German parliament is putting forward a proposal for limiting the time that those from other European nations can stay without finding employment. There are opportunities to redress the issues without throwing our toys out of the pram and walking away.

I am sure that a number of other EU countries do not feel that differently to us - but we will only influence matters if we are still in there.
I'd vote for them if I still lived in England. I'd vote for any party whose manifesto was to exit Europe. Doesn't make me a racist or a fascist though.
I'd vote for them if I still lived in England. I'd vote for any party whose manifesto was to exit Europe. Doesn't make me a racist or a fascist though.

I'll address you and Frank then, why do you want to exit the EU? Is there another system you'd like to see?
Well if you look at the numbers who voted for UKIP in the West Midlands the last time round in the Euro Elections in 2009, that ratio of support for UKIP is not really represented on this particular forum. Maybe it's because there are people on these boards that would consider voting for UKIP, but prefer to stay silent on the subject. The 300,000 Midlanders who voted for them last time round is hardly a tiny minority is it ??

Why do you keep banging on about the euro elections in 2009? How many votes did they go on to get in the general election?

They are a joke of a party whose only appeal to some is that they want to leave the EU and they play on people's fears over immigration. They have no actual policies of any note whatsoever beyond that. Their proposal to introduce one flat rate of tax for everybody in particular is just ridiculous.
Why do you keep banging on about the euro elections in 2009? How many votes did they go on to get in the general election?

They are a joke of a party whose only appeal to some is that they want to leave the EU and they play on people's fears over immigration. They have no actual policies of any note whatsoever beyond that. Their proposal to introduce one flat rate of tax for everybody in particular is just ridiculous.

Why don't you just address the bl00dy point for a change, instead or resorting to your crass comments ?

UKIP may only win a handful of seats at the next General Election. Our 'first past the post' voting system will see to that, so it will be down to Labour and Tory as usual.

The whole point about 'banging on' about the Euro 2009 elections and the forthcoming one in May, is that it's the one time every five years that voters get a chance to have their say on Europe.
During this election, many people that would normally vote Labour and Tory will vote for UKIP to send out a message to the main parties that they either 'want out' of Europe or that they are not happy with the current terms surrounding our EU membership.

So I ask again, if they are a 'joke of a party', why did 300,000 people from the Midlands vote for them in 2009 ? An amount that is guaranteed to increase this time round. Overall in the UK, why did they beat Labour into second place. Were all those voters jokers, racists, bigots ?

Why are they on course to possibly win the Euro Election in May ??


Why is it that people who don't like UKIP, for whatever reason, instead of debating, resort to the usual crass comments that you have come up with ? How can you be so dismissive of the amount of people that will be voting for them ?
Why don't you just address the bl00dy point for a change, instead or resorting to your crass comments ?

UKIP may only win a handful of seats at the next General Election. Our 'first past the post' voting system will see to that, so it will be down to Labour and Tory as usual.

The whole point about 'banging on' about the Euro 2009 elections and the forthcoming one in May, is that it's the one time every five years that voters get a chance to have their say on Europe.
During this election, many people that would normally vote Labour and Tory will vote for UKIP to send out a message to the main parties that they either 'want out' of Europe or that they are not happy with the current terms surrounding our EU membership.

So I ask again, if they are a 'joke of a party', why did 300,000 people from the Midlands vote for them in 2009 ? An amount that is guaranteed to increase this time round. Overall in the UK, why did they beat Labour into second place. Were all those voters jokers, racists, bigots ?

Why are they on course to possibly win the Euro Election in May ??


Why is it that people who don't like UKIP, for whatever reason, instead of debating, resort to the usual crass comments that you have come up with ? How can you be so dismissive of the amount of people that will be voting for them ?

Ooh, I know this one, I know this one... Pick me! Pick me!

Is it because "people" are idiots?
They haven't got within a reindeer's bellow of winning a seat at a general election. And they never will.

You keep mentioning the 300k votes in the West Midlands at Euro 2009, while failing to address the 900k TOTAL ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY in the 2010 general election. There is a reason why UKIP perform better at the elections based about their only policy where they are elected to somewhere with little power, but do comparitively extremely poorly in the general election which is fought on multiple issues and has the prospect of tangible power.
They haven't got within a reindeer's bellow of winning a seat at a general election. And they never will.

You keep mentioning the 300k votes in the West Midlands at Euro 2009, while failing to address the 900k TOTAL ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY in the 2010 general election. There is a reason why UKIP perform better at the elections based about their only policy where they are elected to somewhere with little power, but do comparitively extremely poorly in the general election which is fought on multiple issues and has the prospect of tangible power.

I addressed that point in my previous post. Yes you are right they may not win a single seat at the General Election, but they were not set up to win a General Election.

Can I ask, are you against the British people even having a referendum on the EU ? Most people seem to want us to have that at least. UKIP have forced Cameron to offer the UK a Referendum on the EU should they win the next Election, so perhaps we will see just how important an issue it is to people, come the Election in 2015 ?

As for discontentment on the EU, we are not alone......


".....Nearly two thirds of French people think that the European Union is headed in the wrong direction....."

IF Cameron wins the Election and IF he delivers on his promise of a Referendum, instead of telling us about the merits of staying in the EU, the Europhiles will just be busy trying to scare us to death about what could / might happen if we pull out.

As an aside, as for the Economists who always seem to know what's best for us, with the money they get paid and for their supposed high intelligence and expensive education, I always wonder why they can can never see a recession coming ?