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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

"A Reform UK candidate claimed the country would be "far better" if it had "taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality" instead of fighting the Nazis in World War Two."

Clearly no knowledge of the actual history of the build up to WW2 🤡
Parties at the extremes are always going to have complete cranks when they decide to fight in 100s of constituencies. You could argue something similar with the red wall Tories from 2019. They weren't supposed to win so they didn't spend too much time caring about who they put up.
Yep. Reform candidate in my constituency was gone within one week of the leaflet hitting the doormat due to historic statements even too extreme for them.
Le Pen's party have absolutely romped France's EU elections, and so Macron has called a snap presidential election. Situation across Europe seeing electorates move to the right.
Belgian PM has now resigned too.
Fuck me I hate those cunts so much. I've got family voting for them and it takes every ounce of God knows what for me to not completely disown them. There's a big difference between opposing political views, and then being OK with family siding with Nazis
I think there's a cap to what they can achieve because of the pure rancidity of the people they attract - there will be people who are concerned about immigrantion and like some of the policies, but just can't associate themselves with a party like that. The Putin thing will really hurt them too

They're here to stay, and will be horrible and noisy, but will remain fringe imo and top out around 4m and three seats
I think there's a cap to what they can achieve because of the pure rancidity of the people they attract - there will be people who are concerned about immigrantion and like some of the policies, but just can't associate themselves with a party like that. The Putin thing will really hurt them too

They're here to stay, and will be horrible and noisy, but will remain fringe imo and top out around 4m and three seats
Looking from afar, I'd say they'll get more or less 20% of the vote. What that will equate to in seats, I don't know.