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Farage Ltd and Similar Watch

Hats off you called this right. 120 second places for UK is the proverbial close but no cigar. We will have to watch what happens now with interest. Cameron has to deliver. 12.75% of the vote and only 1 seat. Sh*t happens I suppose

Nothing will happen. We have had FPTP forever and there have been plenty of examples of under representation compared to vote share in the past. Maybe not as big as this but let's not pretend UKIP are here for the long run. In 12 months their national share of the vote halved more or less. 12 months ago they won 7 seats on Dudley council yet this year, despite competing in the same wards as last year, they didn't come that close to winning any seats. They had high hopes of winning the GE seat in Dudley North but ended up a poor third.

I am all for reform of our electoral system but UKIP are, at the moment, a flash in the pan. If they repeat anything like this showing over the next 5 years in local, euro and general elections then maybe they can be put forward with some legitimacy as a reason for electoral reform but for me they are still a protest party. i doubt they will.
Maybe someone generalising voting groups as "stupid" and becoming upset that this absurd notion has been rightly ridiculed shouldn't be posting on public forums at all then as he insinuates if he is asking for an account to be deleted. This poster playing the victim/martyr card doesn't make him any less culpable of triggering the "digs" with his posting style .. if I posted ignorant rubbish like this and broke into tears if anyone objected crying for admin to close my account with the Samaritans on speed dial I'd expect little empathy. If he was "pretty annoyed at digs" at him maybe suggest to him he changes his behaviour and stops generalising people in an ignorant manner which is in effect the same type of thinking that the very group he apparently despises do.. racists.

Thanks for that. I will put it a bit more clearly. Leave it. End of debate.
The UK Independence Party has lost overall control of its only council.
The party won 33 seats on Thanet District Council, Kent, in May, making it the first authority in the UK to have a UKIP majority.
UKIP councillor Jeff Elenor announced on Tuesday he was defecting to join the Democratic Independent Group.
He joins four other UKIP councillors who defected last month saying they were unhappy with the council's lack of action over Manston Airport.
They also said they were unhappy about what they felt was insufficient focus by the council on issues such as housing, mental health and disabilities.
Mr Elenor said he did not feel the council was fulfilling its election pledge on Manston.
Looks like they do only have 1 policy after all then.
Dudley's own Bill Etheridge bids to become next UKIP leader - http://www.expressandstar.com/news/...dge-mep-launches-bid-to-replace-nigel-farage/

Only pledge so far - reduce taxes on fags and booze. You can see who he's pitching to there!!

Seems like a lovely bloke - http://www.expressandstar.com/news/...s-to-remove-black-country-flag-from-brussels/

Classic bear-faced contradiction in this response to having his Black Country flag removed from his office in Brussels:

“I find the heavy-handed, constant interference of these EU busybodies offensive and disgraceful."

Swiftly followed by:

"Should there be any attempt to remove the flag they will receive a traditional Black Country response or two from me."

How pleasant.
He probably agrees with Nige about "Doctors getting it wrong about smoking". Don't need those silly taxes to pay for all the smoking related health care that you can access for free from the NHS.
Only just found out, that Farage says the reason he stood down as UKIP leader, is because of death threats. I never heard anything about that.
His reasons haven't been particularly publicised over here so it is hard to comment.

What I will say is, whether you think Nigel Farage is a colossal belmer or a political God striving to find a genuine third way in British politics, there is no way you could do anything other than be deeply concerned by death threats against him. That is bad news if true.
Next on his agenda - "Arm the fire bridage with Flame Throwers to put out the most savage of blazes."
The man is just a bellend. Laughably appealing to the small minded and shows the readership of the B&S to a tee.