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Cost of Living

For all who are suffering due to increasing rate or have the pain to come, don't worry, Sunak will hold your hand through it all.

Rishi Sunak is speaking in Kent now at at PM Connect event.

He starts by referring to the interest rate increase. He says he knows people will be anxious about what is happening. He goes on:

I’m here to tell you that I am totally, 100% on it. And it is going to be OK and we are going to get through this and that is the most important thing I wanted to let you know today.
Is he speaking to a Nation of people genuinely worried about not just eating but whether or not they can keep a roof over their heads or is he trying to tell one of his kids things will be ok as they have been dumped by their boyfriend at school
he said at the start of covid he'd do "whatever it takes" and was backtracking on that within 3 months.
He’s told a load of warehouse workers this afternoon at a visit this afternoon they were surprisingly eloquent*

* for the great unwashed common people obviously
An instant access account at the Nationwide is 1.35 to 1.5% depending upon the amount you have in there. They can then lend it out at upwards of 6%.

They'll need to be windfall taxes on banks and building societies.
Martin Lewis

I said on Good Morning Britain today, in reference to new depressing stats on the numbers struggling to pay mortgages and rent, that its going to be a nightmare year for some. I've seen a few references calling me a "prophet of doom" the same attack phrase used by some last year when I was warning we needed energy intervention, again based on known facts of huge impending price hikes (eventually govt intervened so they 'only' doubled not trebled).

To try to demonise a person explaining the situation and try and knock down anyone warning people to prepare seems a dangerous precedent.

Advance warning, and raising the issue publically, helps both individuals prepare and puts pressure on policy makers to act before it happens, rather than leave it until its too late.

I hope I try and make positive practical suggestions. I won't wear blinkers and a gag to the plight millions are facing.

Such a bloody right wing tactic, and it's what won the vote for Brexit.

Just say that the person with the knowledge and facts is a doom monger, negative or being dramatic.

So bloody depressing, and it's why we won't see significant change in this country.
Martin Lewis is not liked in my house anymore.

Absolutely nothing to do with him being a doom monger or anything but the MiL watches his programme every week and is convinced she is owed thousands of £ from somewhere. "Must be something they owe me in my pension, Martin said so"... she is 81, has zero outgoings in term of bills, her pension is topped up by a hefty private pension her husband took out and is still paid out despite his death nearly 4 yesars ago.
On the long list of people who need help, she is at the very bottom but fucking Martin Lewis said...

I shouldn't get annoyed by this is the same woman who sat with our neighbour moaning that it is impossible to get a Dr's appointment these days.........WHILST SAT IN THE WAITING ROOM AT THE DOCTORS FOR AN APPOINTMENT SHE HAD MADE ONLY 2 HOURS PREVIOUSLY

I'm off for a lie down.
Went to get some shopping earlier. I know pretty much everything (including my temper and intolerance of others) has increased massively, but olive oil - what the actual fuck???! A fiver for a relatively small bottle.

Fucking Brexit.
Went to get some shopping earlier. I know pretty much everything (including my temper and intolerance of others) has increased massively, but olive oil - what the actual fuck???! A fiver for a relatively small bottle.

Fucking Brexit.
Climate change is responsible for that one. Europe baking means less crops. Other oils going sky high is down to Ukraine as they supply around half what the world uses.

Probably be cheaper to cook with engine oil by next year
"Fry up for breakfast, darling?"

"Ooh - yes please."

"Leaded or unleaded?"
Where you doing your shopping, Harrods?
£3.69 for 750mls in Aldi.
I was gonna say Aldi is your friend here, saves us a hell of a lot on shopping (still going up though!)
Tbh I've no idea what olive oil cost pre cost of living madness
Only 2 of us so a bottle lasts eons.